
Other Sensitives out there?

31 Mar 2011 21:39 #71 by marchhier
If you have the EVP it would be great to hear. You can post it on this site under eveidence. And i think you really need to make amends with your mom, It is always hard but for your sake. You dont want to live with that regregt the rest of your life.

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31 Mar 2011 14:50 #72 by thirst4kim
my mother in-law is a Sensitives as well she can feel others feelings and sprites feelings and she can also hear them she has herd Jacob. we also know theres a man here he wont speak to us but Jacob has told me some things about him not a lot we here him walking around at night Jacob told me he wheres boots and that what we here at night. Jacob loves to play tricks on us hiding our things he messed up my mother in-laws cell phone so bad she had to buy a new one. in my kids room we hear there toys going off. we have 4 dogs and 3 cats sometimes the dogs bark at nothing for no reason. lights turn on and off. he also messes up our TV's and we have checked them and there's nothing wrong with the TV's or the lights. one time I'm my bedroom i was talking to my husband about the man that is here and the light bulb exploded. my husband caught his voice on an evp we went into the kids room and before we started i mentioned to Jay that it was cold in there. the first session we got nothing. so i left the room and he stayed and started the recorder again you can here very low in the back round " its cold in here". and it was a mans voice. sometimes when ghost come to me i feel sick :sick: I'm on amphetamine to help me stay awake. the meds don't help. and to top it all off I know when someones gonna dye. on my fathers death bed i told him goodbye and he died the next day. me and my mother don't get along and i know shes gonna go very soon July 7th 2013. thanks for listening

Kim English

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31 Mar 2011 03:15 #73 by marchhier
Thank you so much. It is so nice to have a place where we fit in. I love to read and share stories it is just great.:cheer:

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31 Mar 2011 00:33 #74 by MidnightAngel
Feel free to message me any time. I too am a sensitive and psychic. You are not alone

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31 Mar 2011 00:27 #75 by marchhier
Please don't ever feel like a freak. We are not freaks. Many people thought some of the greatest people in the past were freaks, Albert Einstein, The Beatles, Picasso, Ghandi,So many more. People just shun what is not known. You are far from a freak. And you know what if it were not for us "Freaks" where would the world be. As the Great John Lennon said "I will never change the way i feel or change who i am for no one. I am a Freak and i love it." What you have is a special gift and you are lucky to have it.

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30 Mar 2011 23:32 #76 by thirst4kim
i hope we can chat soon i hate feeling like a freak

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30 Mar 2011 19:45 #77 by marchhier
You are definetly not alone. There are more of us out there then you could imagine. Alot of us are still in the closet so to speak. As far as turning it off for yourself. I would imagine becasue of your medical conditions you take medication for them. This can interfer with the ability to turn or tone things down. However the good news is, You can use meditaion to get more control over these things and try and trick your brain to slow down and not listen to the things you dont want to at certain times. Get with me if you want anymore help with this. It takes time but it is possible to tone things down at times.
Good luck

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30 Mar 2011 00:14 #78 by thirst4kim
I know it wasn't my father we have a little boy that haunts out house his name is Jacob we have caught a lot of EVPs with him talking i watching him jumping on my and my husband bad and he can feel it shacking one time Jacob hit my mother in-laws dog i watched him do it and the dog yelped. with my mother in-law i didn't know her grandmother died. and her grandmother was talking to me. so i told my mother in-law what she was saying. my mother in-law wanted to know what she looked like so i told her right down to the flowered pink night gown she died in. now on the other hand i can touch people or things and see a movie flash in front of my eyes. and i can tell things to people that there is no way i could of known. i cant turn any of these things off. and i have seen some horrifying things. i just wish i could turn it off and on top of that i have narcolepsy with cataplexy. i would like to meet more people that have these kind of ability so i don't feel so alone :S

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29 Mar 2011 21:06 #79 by marchhier
Hi Kim,
Thank you sor sharing. Wow, it must be really scary for you when you where pulled out of bed. Do you think it was your dad? Maybe you should take a quiet time and talk to him. I am sure he is trying to let you know something. surely someone is. Just protect yourself against the bad energy. I know they can drain you very quickly. And as you have probably already learned it is very taxing on us. I have been able to kind of turn it off when i need to. But as most Sensitives know, it does not always work for us. Good luck and let me know how it turns out. I am curious to see maybe who it is that is bothering you so much at night.
have a great day:cheer:

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29 Mar 2011 15:23 #80 by thirst4kim
I have had a ability since as far back as i can remember :dry: I can see hear and talk to the dead :unsure: I like it sometimes but with my hose being haunted its tough one time i was walking down the street and i saw a little girl yelling at her grandmother she wanted something to drink. so i got the lady's attention and told her her granddaughter wanted something to drink. she looked at me all puzzled like and said " um my granddaughter and her mother died last year in a car crash" i was shocked so i told her i had to go she wanted to talk me more but i told her i was in a hurry and took off. i try to avoid that street spirits come to me all the time. its like i cant get away. my father died on march 26 2003 ( I got marred march 26 of this year) when i was little he didn't come around for 12 years now that hes dead i see him all the time. The other night i got pulled by the ankle right out of my bed. but i know what its like to have a ability all i can say to anyone out there learn how to work with it and try not to be scared.

Kim English

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