
Other Sensitives out there?

25 Nov 2011 04:16 #61 by LeslieAValentin
Happy Thanksgiving Laurie!

Wanted to drop in and let you know that yes, we (sensitives/mediums/empaths) are here. I am in NW Arkansas.

Hope you had a great day! I haven't been "here" to chat in a while but I do check in.

Nice to meet you,


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21 Nov 2011 00:39 #62 by Tresses Of Nephthys
Karmastrophic, I'm very happy that you've seem to get it all figured out. It can take years to repair holes in the aura and close down open gates once they are opened, and that is if you know how to do it. Some people never get rid of the things that plague them. I've been chipping away at a curse put on me inadvertently (curses can be put on whether you're trying or not). I too felt unbelievable drain, horrible pain everyday, and have seen many doctors who gave me a clean bill of health. Things have gotten monumentally better now but I still have a long ways to go.

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21 Nov 2011 00:27 #63 by CJHyde26
no i have never offered my energy, however I did as a teen used a Ouija board with a friend and that was scary...I am more the type that can feel presences and I seem to get feelings that things will happen and they do... However since I had a near death experience I still have my feelings but they seem to be suppressing kinda like I feel I'm getting attacked within spiritually.

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21 Nov 2011 00:12 - 21 Nov 2011 00:29 #64 by Karmastrophic
That's what I was getting at, CrystalCross, that it's a bad idea to just openly offer yourself like that. I've been able to rectify my mistake, and I agree that doing so makes a person extremely vulnerable. I didn't realize that at the time I 'offered'. I think a lot of people, when discovering their abilities, are tempted to make such a mistake because they're excited to see what they can do, anxious to have experiences, etc.

For me, it was akin to making a deal with the Devil. The cost to my phsyical well-being was monumental. I suffered chronic, debilitating fatigue - to the point where sometimes I felt I didn't even have the energy to draw breath. I developed an arrythmia (irregular heartbeat), bouts of vertigo, and was overwhelmed with all kinds of negative emotions. I lived every day under the full brunt of Murphy's Law and if anything could go south for me, it did in a very big way. I seriously considered suicide. Somehow, I finally became aware that I needed to close that invitation and as illogical as it would sound to most people outside this community, I just somehow knew that all of these seemingly unrelated issues were all tied to my having allowed unrestricted access to my energy. Once I asserted myself and took control, all the awfulness that had become the norm in my life began to reverse. I don't know how I finally realized what the problem was and how to change it, but I am deeply grateful for whomever or whatever got the message through to me.
Last edit: 21 Nov 2011 00:29 by Karmastrophic.

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21 Nov 2011 00:04 #65 by crystalcross

Karmastrophic wrote: Did you ever, at some point, offer an invitation for contact? In my case, years ago, I did mentally extend an invitation to "use my energy" but I didn't understand then what I was really offering

That is a very very dangerous thing to do. Especially as a sensitive. Its like being particularly wealthy and putting and offer out there for anyone who wishes to grab into your wallet with all your money and pull out a single penny.

Yes, many will be honorable and do only as you ask. But the reality of any society living or dead is that not all inhabitants are of good intent. Its not only a fact of life, but a fact of afterlife as well.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Tresses Of Nephthys, Karmastrophic

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20 Nov 2011 23:07 #66 by Karmastrophic
Did you ever, at some point, offer an invitation for contact? In my case, years ago, I did mentally extend an invitation to "use my energy" but I didn't understand then what I was really offering - the draining of my energy without limitation. Did you ever do something similar, where you extended an invitation for 'at will' contact?

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20 Nov 2011 22:31 #67 by CJHyde26
Wow I completely know how you feel I am also on meds for the depression and anxiety and they dont work. I still feel trapped. I have had experiences and a sensitive since I was little and was always able to control them and now its overwhelming

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20 Nov 2011 20:59 #68 by Karmastrophic
I'm new to the site, but I am a sensitive. I've known it for a long time but denied it to myself. I am an empath, and am working to strengthen my claircognizent abilities. Very often, I just "know" information I have no reason to be aware of. I cannot see or converse with spirits, but I can pick up bits of information - especially emotions. I have an introductory post on the site where I detail things a bit more. Right now, I'm still a newborn when it comes to recognizing and making use of my gifts.

And I'm both comforted and amused by a few things I keep seeing in posts regarding sensitives: headaches, fatigue/weakness, and insomnia. I have been plagued by all of these since adolescence but my doctors could never find any real medical reasons for any of them. I have suffered 2 head injuries, so "maybe" that's where the migraines stem from, and the insomnia...but then again, maybe that's from depression or anxiety, or blah blah blah, ad nauseum. I've been on so many medications for these problems it's insane, but none of them ever helped fully. At one point, I was one three different meds at once to try to make me sleep, and I STILL couldn't sleep! Now, when I can see a bigger picture to it all...I take no meds and can sleep, although sleep is still frequently disrupted. And the unexplained fatigue has gone as well - once I started looking outside the biological for a reason. I began to understand I was so tired because I was not protecting my energy, and it was being sucked off me in large amounts. Once I began to deny the open drawing of my energy...well hey, the fatigue's gone! So is the constant sadness, anxiety, fearfulness...all those bad emotions I lived with for so many years.

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01 Apr 2011 21:56 #69 by marchhier
Yes it does sound like you are sensitive. The headachs unfortunatly come with the territory. I hae found that meditating helps my mind be calm and gets rid of alot of the headaches. As you keep working with your abilities it will become clearer. My voices are not always clear myself. But if they are persistant i try to set some time for them to let me know what they need. I understand about telling others. But unless it is a very close person like a spouse i just dont' bother unless they ask. I never hide who i am but there is really no need to go out and let everyone know what your abilities are. I am proud of what i can do and you should be to. We are special and given these gifts for a reason. You need to find the reason for you. I am so glad to hear your Mom is on board and being supportive. Mine still thinks im "NUTS". lol. But that is ok. I know i am not and that is all that matters. Thank you so much for sharing and if i can help you in any way to get more connected with your abilities let me know.

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01 Apr 2011 19:44 #70 by Kit911
I believe I'm one of the sensitives - I've never really understood things I hear. It's not so much that I hear clear words like most of you I feel like I'm being watching and then I hear whispers. I normally just close my eyes and say out loud to shut up and go away but they don't. My husband thinks I'm losing my mind he doesn't believe in ghosts or anything paranormal. My mother tells me I need to learn to communicate and deal with the energy, to buy a books on the subject. I've read several but it doesn't stop or help, I can't tell anyone I know about it they think I'm nuts.
I'm a highly educated person, don't do drugs, don't drink - I found this site via twitter msg about whether there are others out there. I find when I try to get the whispers to stop I get headaches. I can be in the kitchen and have seen a black shadow pass behind me and then the whisper, again I tell it to go away. I know when its my father or my nana they whisper my name. Some of the shadows spook my dog he gets that low attack growl in his bark.

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