going to that grove tomorrow. Betty senses its a human spirit. it getting worse. he talks though me. i saw a video jay took of me last night. with me being a sensitive I've dealt with a lot of human spirits. why is this one so hard on me. jay told Betty something needs to be done with me tonight. if not hes gonna call the cops and have them put me away. I'm guessing she talked him out of it. cause the cops have not shown up. yet. I'm about ready to put myself away. jay and mom said it has something to do that happen in my past. but wont tell me.

they also said I'm letting this ........ whatever the f*ck it is into me. I've already hurt 2 of my animals. I asked them to lock me in my room till tomorrow.so no one and no pets get hurt but they wont. the whole house fought last night. i feel like my feelings i have to hides. my dreams I can't find. I'm' losing my mind. I'm fallen behind. I can't find my place. I'm losing my faith. My fallen from grace. I'm all over the place.
I have never felt so alone in a crowed room. Will the hurt ever stop?