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spirit attachment..

04 Jul 2012 08:26 #51 by lintu89
Replied by lintu89 on topic Re: spirit attachment..
thank you for reply.i will give it a go..but i have had a vicer in my home.he has prayed, done holy water..but it is still with me..mediums have confused me to what i have with me...and told me they had crossed it over..but now i am talking to someone who relates to everything i say.and she says it is a low entity..whilst another who is going on what i have wrote, says it is a incubus...i am so confused..wish i knew what i was dealing with..x

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04 Jul 2012 01:45 #52 by mcn1mom
Replied by mcn1mom on topic Re: spirit attachment..
One thing that may help, I know this may sound strange. Say out loud in a very firm voice. You will not use my energy. You will not touch me. Remember it is your home.
also get a white sage candle and burn it in your home. Rebuk any entity in the name of the Lord. What ever your belief is use your symbol and walk through your home and rebuk the negative energy in the name of the Lord. Start at the back of the house and work your way to the front door. Tell it it is time for it to leave. It is time for if to go home to the Lord. Another thing for you to do is do your own cleansing of you and your home. Get salt, a white candle and holy water. Start at night on any of the Trinity. 3:00, 6:00,9:00 PM or even 12 AM. Light your way with the candle, spred the purifying salt around the periphery of your home. pause at each door and window and sprinkle them with Holy water. with this make the sign of your faith. Once you have finshed surrounding your home with the salt.Stand inside your front door and offer this prayer. ""Beloved Father, cleanse and purify this home with the white light of the Holy Spirit. Purge all negativity from within and fill it with Your loving grace. AMEN"" Hope this helps....

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01 Jul 2012 09:16 #53 by lintu89
Replied by lintu89 on topic Re: spirit attachment..
thank you for reply...i don't see my nephew alot..but when i do i will do as you say..it has made loud bangs..but will give no name..but when i see my nephew again i will do the simple yes and no's....only caught orbs on camera around me..my nephew tried using the video but could not capture anything, even though i could feel it around me...i believe like i have been told it is a low entity..it is sexual..and i have alot of bad nights..at times it keeps me from sleep..and i feel very drained..i am trying to fight it with covering myself with light, praying etc..i feel the energy of this entity very strong over me..i feel scared mant times, but i know i have to conquer this, as it feeds of it..i feel like i am in a battle, it poked me in the face the other night...many mediums have come to help, but not one yet can cross it over..over two years now, but i won't give in...i have heard there is so much of this about now..i am intouch with someone who is going through the same thing..these low entitys love causing pain and upset..i just want it to go, any help or advice..x

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30 Jun 2012 18:59 #54 by mcn1mom
Replied by mcn1mom on topic Re: spirit attachment..
You still may need to get a Paranormal Investigation group to come over. See if they can get information for you on to who or what you may be dealing with.

You say you nephew has the equipment. don't try at first to capture a name. Try getting information another way. Ask questions, just simple questions yes or no questions at first. things that you might can identify. If you still think it is your husband,ask questions that you know only he would have the answers to. If it doen't know, you are dealing with someone else or somethings else.

Then you can start to get more random questions.

If it doesn't answer this way. do yes and no questions with one knock for no and two for yes. If may be easier for it to knock then to speak. What sounds like a whisper on the recorder even takes alot of energy. Knocking sometimes is easier. Once you get a dialog going then start harder questions to who, why.

Have you tried to take pictures. You may be able to capture something in a photo. This may help give you information or even use a vidso camera with night vision.
But please try to get help from a group.

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21 Jun 2012 21:36 #55 by lintu89
Replied by lintu89 on topic Re: spirit attachment..
hi...yes my nephew does that.he captured voice and banging..he has the eqipment..but this spirit will not give his name..i just do not know why it stays with me all this time..the energy gets very strong on me..ask any questions..and any advice..please..i am so tired of this..

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16 Jun 2012 23:20 #56 by kirlybab
Replied by kirlybab on topic Re: spirit attachment..
evp = electronic voice phenomenon. It is when a voice that is not heard at the time is recorded on a tape recorder, most of the time in response to questions asked.

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10 Jun 2012 21:39 #57 by lintu89
Replied by lintu89 on topic Re: spirit attachment..
thank you for reply..what is evp ? i never tried to communicate with my husband..years before he passed i was seeing things..astrol travel, seeing visions through astrol..seeing lights...when my husband passed i felt him around me, heard his voice..saw him in vision.i never asked him anything..only got messages from him through a medium..i am so tired of feeling this energy around me.with me when i wake..not normal..and night time is like a fight..just seems to want one thing..how is that right ?

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10 Jun 2012 19:02 #58 by crystalcross

Let me ask you this. When your husband passed, did you make any attempts to communicate with him. Did you ask him for help, or ask him to give you some sign that he was still there with you?

The reason I'm asking is that sometimes other spirits can use that as a doorway or avenue to form an attachment. They can act as the lost loved one, and form an attachment. Sometimes its with intent, other times its just out of a need for communication or companionship.

It could well be him, but I wouldn't simply assume so just because of the timing of the events. It was probably also a time in your life when you were emotionally weak, and as such susceptible to outside influences.

Remember, in death as in life there are all forms of people. Some who are vocal, intend only good and would never knowingly cause distress to someone. Then there are those who really are quiet, and can co-exist without anyone ever knowing they're around. They're there but you'll never know it. And then there are those with a purpose and they really do not care who or what gets in their way. They've lost sight of the concept of consequence (if they ever had it) and are pure drive.

Have you ever tried doing an EVP session?

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10 Jun 2012 17:32 #59 by lintu89
Replied by lintu89 on topic Re: spirit attachment..
thank you for reply.i have had many mediums help..i have had groups together..i have had a vicer come with help..i have had a medium stay the night..energy she felt was strong..but said it was nothing to worry about..i am at a stand still.i am talking to a top medium from irland..and he has told me to visulise a peaceful place..and see the light, and for me to cross this spirt over..i have tried, but to no avail.going to try again...but i don't think i can do this kind of thing..my nephew captures voice on his eqipment..but wont say his name...the only reason i say it is my husband is because, everything was ok untill he passed, then i started to hear his voice, see him looking lost and confused..see him coming through a door..plus sp many dreams of him..one was him being in bed with me...i just don't know what to do anymore..

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09 Jun 2012 22:50 #60 by kirlybab
Replied by kirlybab on topic Re: spirit attachment..
I think if you have tried all these things and they haven't given you any peace than you are not dealing with your husband or any kind of a good spirit. I don't mean to frighten you by this by any means, only to inform you that you may need more help than what you have gotten already.

I would agree with the advice you were given earlier of finding a paranormal group close to you to see if they can help. many times they have shamans or other such magicians (for lack of a better term) that can help you exorcise this spirit.

my thoughts remain with you that you may find some peace soon.

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