

Demonic Issue or Over-imagination?

04 Feb 2012 23:02 #11 by mindfelt
I believe there are demons in the world like there is a Satan. All I know is what I have read from the Bible and what I have heard from what other people had experienced. But, I am aware demons will torment some people. What I have read in the past,is to pray and ask for God's protection.

So, no I do not think you are over-imaging things. There are things in this world that we as human being should not thread into because it is beyond us and very powerful. I just leave that stuff for God to handle.

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04 Feb 2012 22:51 #12 by BillyJo
I try to be very careful to which subjects I reply to as I don't want to further confuse the subject. I am a writer so wording is important to me. I carefully analyze all the words brought forth to make sense of what is being said first. For instance the word 'Demon'...

de·mon   [dee-muhn] Show IPA
an evil spirit; devil or fiend.
an evil passion or influence.
a person considered extremely wicked, evil, or cruel.
a person with great energy, drive, etc.: He's a demon for work.
a person, especially a child, who is very mischievous: His younger son is a real little demon.

I thought it odd that they would refer to a 'demon' in definition 3 and 4 as a physical entity as opposed to a spiritual entity.

In my opinion:

Demons are a whole other level of energy. I don't personally believe they bother with us. A little stuck up if you will. It's kind of like being born into money. You know who Paris Hilton is but will you ever meet her...NO. Now I do believe in extraordinarily negative energy and I would compare them to being like the body guards of Paris Hilton. You will encounter negative energy (body guards) before you will ever IF ever meet a demon.

I think negative energy has attached to your boyfriend. Yes I would suggest like CC suggested to look into medical/science explanations and keep an open mind...but something is nagging me to say it's negative energy. Almost like a force to be reckoned with that can see he's vulnerable and so they 'play' with him because it's easy.

It takes a really strong individual to ward off mischievous energy/spirits. He picked it up somewhere...The thing is to find out where, stay positive, get to the bottom of it and let them/it know there's no 'Welcome' mat on his body. :)

Hope this helps. I really encourage looking up words...sometimes definitions alone explain everything.

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04 Feb 2012 22:37 #13 by Peek-A-Boo
I think more like drained

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04 Feb 2012 22:19 #14 by rach411
So basically hollow?

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04 Feb 2012 22:15 #15 by Peek-A-Boo
"Spiritually Dead
To be spiritually dead is nothing other than to be spiritually deaf, blind and dumb. It means the individual is dead to all the spiritual happenings around him, completely unable to make any sense of them. Such a one will never be able to recognize the Word or the Bringer of this Word.

It means that the individual's spirit is completely asleep in the physical body, moving towards disintegration. Only the most terrible of physical and psychic shocks can perhaps still awaken such a one to spiritual awareness. Unfortunately many of us are already in such a state, completely unable to understand what spirit means or what is meant to be spiritually active.

The psychic and physical shocks that assail such people are way to help them awaken before spiritual disintegration finally takes over. To be spiritual dead therefore means to be dead to spiritual happenings or teachings and it is the prelude to eternal spiritual death whereby one's name is erased from the Book of Life."
The following user(s) said Thank You: BillyJo

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04 Feb 2012 22:10 #16 by rach411
I dont know what you mean by spiritually dead... are you refering to a living person being spiritually dead?

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04 Feb 2012 22:09 #17 by rach411
I agree, that it does seem like a dramatized scene from a movie. I do not believe it is a psychological issue though.. I graduated from medical assisting recently and one of my papers was on TS, very interesting thought though :). I am almost thinking the same thing though on how it could be a trickster or what not. I mean I have not seen anything lift up in the air or had scratches or anything like that. I also don't think that if it were a true demon that it would be so subtle either. I feel like though whatever it is feels like they relate.. have had same ideals or gone through the same type of things. I have had times where I would tell my boyfriend to put his mentality in check because I feel like something is around waiting for the right time to screw around. Both my boyfriend and I have gone through a lot of turmoil these past couple of years that would make anyone depressed and it often seems like everything goes wrong. So thats why when I feel like he is starting to get depressed or down due to our financial struggles or what not I say put it in check. I feel like it makes us more vulnerable.

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04 Feb 2012 21:50 #18 by crystalcross
Well a couple of things. I'm not so sure about the Demonic possession thing. Many of the things which you mentioned are the dramatized symptoms you see on TV. But that's not to say "Something" or "Someone" has not latched onto him. I would look at the history of the Jail he was in and see if there were ever violent deaths there.

It could very well be a trickster spirit trying to make it seem like a demonic possession. I would start by looking at that angle perhaps. Perhaps some murdered inmate looking to have some fun or hitch a ride.

But I would also keep an open mind to a non-paranormal explanation. Perhaps it would be wise for him to seek some help or advice as well. Some of the symptoms almost sound like adult Tourette Syndrome . You may want to take a look at that to see if it matches what you're describing.

I would use caution for the moment, until you can find some more information.

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04 Feb 2012 21:48 #19 by Peek-A-Boo
I don't believe in "demons" (although there are negative spirits,
which are people out there in the spirit realm who are just the same negative people they were on earth ), but I do believe in ghosts.

Ghosts can possess people and some mistake this for demons, but it is really dis-embodied human spirits co-inhabiting another's physical body. These sometimes tend to be spirits addicted to earthly pleasures. Those possessed tend to be spiritually dead, with all focus being outwardly. Marked signs are personality changes, addictions, depression, etc could point to one or more possessing spirits. This is not to say that all addictions, depressions and mental illnesses are caused by ghost possession.

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04 Feb 2012 20:53 #20 by rach411
Yea, I have been to my Dr, and my counselor because I have anxiety and have discussed some of these issues with them and both have said it would not be schizophrenia because there are many things that go along with it as well which he has not suffered from. Some things just don't fit... like why I would suffer from it as well. I have talked to psychics as well and they say that there is a portal in my home. This is in an on off issue. Since I moved it has not been so hostile, but there are times when it is. Every time something like this has happened with my boyfriend I have felt on edge minutes before.. where my heart would race to 120 bpm, my Dr. says that its my intuition, subconsciously I recognize the "switch" in him... she's not a religious person so it was not a spiritual opinion but more of a scientific approach as to why I feel when it comes..

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