

Demonic Issue or Over-imagination?

05 Feb 2012 02:08 #1 by Peek-A-Boo
TressesOfNephthys: Didn't know that Whole Foods had them, thanks. They have a two pack of small smudge sticks and a large one that they sell each for $6.99.

"Smudging is very effective when you've been feeling depressed, angry, resentful or unwell or after you have had an argument with someone. It is also great to smudge yourself, the space and all the guests or participants before a ritual or ceremony or celebration. You can smudge your home or work space as part of a general spiritual housecleaning and you can cleanse crystals or other objects of any negative energy with a smudging ritual."

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05 Feb 2012 01:29 #2 by Tresses Of Nephthys
Just a quick note: smudge sticks are also available at Whole Foods and you can order them on Amazon.

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05 Feb 2012 01:08 - 05 Feb 2012 01:35 #3 by Peek-A-Boo
Traditional Spiritual Cleansing - Ghost Smudging
If the spirit or ghost activity does not stop, or stops only for a while, then resumes, some like to do a spiritual cleansing of the house. This is the traditional practice of "smudging" a home to get rid of an unwanted ghost. However, we feel it will only temporarily slow the activity down, for the ghost needs to truly move on :

1) Crack a window in each room of your home and take a dried bundle of sage (available at most metaphysical stores and online) and "smudge" your home clearing out any negative or stagnant energies. Smudging is simply lighting the sage bundle, making sure you have a safe receptacle to catch the ashes in, and walking around your entire home allowing the smoke to circulate and cleanse the energy and space.

2) Being firm and unemotional, walk around each room of your home, while saying loudly and firmly, "This sage is cleansing out all negative energies and spirits... all negative energies and spirits must leave now through the windows and not return." Do
this until you sense the negative energy has gone and the room's energy lightens (to a positive - look for peace) and then say, "In the name of God, this room is now cleansed." Know and sense this.

3) Remember not to worry about how you sound if you stumble on your words. The main thing is your intent, which is your faith. You have power and have nothing to fear. Your intentions are to rid the home of negative energies and spirits and they will know this, if they are there. Always work with your own energy from within your soul and incorporate this energy into the cleansing. Draw your divine power from within your innermost being. Always be firm, non-fearing, unemotional and deal with negative ghosts strongly, yet in love. You are always in control and are not powerless. Some people like to re-visit
a cleansed house by going back into all of the rooms with a pleasant incense such as lavender while inviting all loving, protecting, positive spirits into the home. You may end the ritual by lighting a white candle and setting it on a table to burn for a bit to "seal" the ritual. I recommend first helping the ghost, then doing the cleansing.
Last edit: 05 Feb 2012 01:35 by Peek-A-Boo.
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05 Feb 2012 01:05 #4 by Peek-A-Boo
try to handle negative entities & ghosts in this manner:

1) Remain unemotional and firm when dealing with a negative ghost, as they will feed off of your fear and make themselves stronger and more powerful (much of this is simply in our mind - I do not believe they have any power over us, except what we give them). Just know you are in control, and speak out loud for the ghost or spirit to leave; and that they are not welcome in your home. You have nothing to fear, for fear is
created in the mind. Do this firmly, yet with love.

2) Tell the spirit or ghost to seek the light, and that its physical body has perished and it's time (and good) to leave this physical realm. Tell negative ghosts that they will see other spirits (loved ones) who are called to direct and guide them; and will be treated with love and forgiveness no matter what they've done. Ghosts need to know that they can be affecting others negatively, and that it is time for them to move on in life
and unto peace and enjoyment.

3) If they are worried about punishment, tell them that they're not sent to an eternal "hell," but will be shown their lives and are made to experience what they have done; so they can understand those things and how they have impacted themselves and others. They will always be treated with love and will be helped to move beyond any self-created guilt and condemnation - through forgiveness, especially forgiveness of
themselves. Be very firm in letting them know it's good for them, and time for them to go. Keep telling them this until you feel they've gone to the light, the realm of spirit - this will help them move on. Light is not to be feared for it is love, peace and truth.
Darkness is "lack of understanding" and negative - false.

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05 Feb 2012 00:45 #5 by rach411
Yea thats pretty much how it is for me as well! And it was kind of like bark the way it looked except charcoal black, creepy! I understand what you mean about the whole mirror thing as well its kind of like that but not at the same time, when I feel like its not me I dont look in the mirror anymore lol I feel like if I pay to close attention that it will really get creepy. Things changing in a mirror in a dream is scary enough! Definitely dont want to see things change in the mirror in real life. Thanks but I'll pass on that one I'd rather keep my pants dry for now...

I am a non-denominational christian so I dont really know of anyone who could help me out. After having everyone put there advice out on here I am comfortable that it is probably not demonic but agree that its still not good. How do I get rid of it?

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05 Feb 2012 00:30 #6 by ngpinkston
Rach411, my experience is similar. It had sort of the same look but really tall and lanky, it almost looked like it was covered in bark. I had a dream about it and a friend that doesn't believe in the paranormal or knew of the event walked in to wake me up and left. I heard someone leave and got up and called him. he told me i was bouncing off the bed about a foot each time. I do believe it at least attached to me for a while. I felt different and when i looked in a mirror it was like seeing someone else or watching a movie. It's hard to explain. If these things are happening you need to contact or research someone in your faith or someone in the paranormal field for advice and help. I don"t believe there are such things a psychological problems. Maybe of degenerative sort, but abnormal brain activity no. I believe that these "abnormalities" are why we see and experience what we do. I believe that just because one person seeing or experiencing something doesn't mean its not real, they are seeing a different dimension or reality. Negative energy is bad enough whether demon or not. Like I said earlier. its better to get help than wait it out thinking it will pass or things will change

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05 Feb 2012 00:22 #7 by rach411
Drained is very true!

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05 Feb 2012 00:18 #8 by rach411
BillyJoe, you really struck home for me as well as ngpinkston. I have seen a demon before or what I believe to have been a demon or close to it. I only saw its hand and foot on two seperate occasions. Once when I was dreaming, and once two weeks after while I was doing my dishes. His body was charcoal black and almost like it was peeling but you could tell that it was its actual skin the way it was supposed to be, not like a burn victim what so ever. For months my voice would tremble when I would speak of it. It is an interesting theory about the whole body guards and how demons are to "good" for us. It makes complete sense, because from what I have read in the bible and have heard about they cant stand us.

I seriously feel like what ever it is that is attached to him is purposefully screwing with him to make everyone question his sanity and even mine at times. For instance messing with him when he was drinking. It sounds biased and I know that people may think that I could be. But my first response to what was going on was totally he needs a psychological evaluation. But then I remembered what I was experiencing at my old house (the sighting of the charcoal black figure) and all. And the story he had told me about what happened to him while he was in jail when he was 18. Then I started having experiences and he wouldn't, and then he would and I wouldn't.

My boyfriend is definately "easy" which is why I always tell him when I get that feeling to put his mentality in check. I feel it run down my spine and in the pit of my stomach! What ever it is, I firmly firmly without question wants him to question his sanity and mine. I kid you not we have had normal conversations and even though he is talking normal and acting normal all of the sudden I look at his eyes and they seem different... like he is not there anymore.. His eyes are the same color and everything but it puts everything in my body on edge and I cant put my finger on it but his eyes seem so hollow. I dont say anything to him because this voice in the back of my mind (intuition) says to not draw attention to it, because it will make it much worse. There are times when I feel like when I look in the mirror I feel like its not me. It makes me feel like I am going crazy! But then I have dreams months later or what not (so its not because I was worrying about it that day) where I am literally in this battle. Im looking in the mirror and it looks like me but I know its not me and then I feel like something is trying to take over and it becomes this battle of keeping whatever it is out of me and I can see my image in the mirror morph into someone elses and then vanish.

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04 Feb 2012 23:48 #9 by Peek-A-Boo
Evil presences such as the one referred to as a demon are extremely rare

Evil entities can take on any form that would unnerve someone, taking the opportunity to latch onto a person who is ready to snap and letting them go for it.

With that said, chances are there is another rational explanation IMO

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04 Feb 2012 23:17 #10 by ngpinkston
I agree with BillyJo on the negative energy working as a bodyguard. I live in Kentucky and i cannot say for sure but i believe that I have seen an actual demon. I wouldn't say this normally but the area I visited has a lot of past murders. What I witnessed was only human in form such as arms and legs but much larger. I stress that I cannot say it was a demon but whatever It was was negative. It followed me for a while.

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