My best friend's son is sensitive for sure when he was 4 he started talking and playing with Nicholas. I was listening to him one day and he started counting in Spanish, we told him that's fantastic are you learning that in JK he said no it was something Nicholas taught him to do. Another time he started singing a beautiful song and I asked him if that was a song that mom listened too again no, it was Nicholas who taught it to him. I asked how old Nicholas was and he said a little older than him. I asked if I could some time get to meet him he said probably not because mommy doesn't like him so he only comes to see him when he knows that he's by himself.
He's never done anything bad and then blame it on his invisible friend as his mom puts it. I told her that this Nicholas doesn't appear to want to harm him in any way so let it be. I find it curious based on the name of the person that he has such a strong spanish background. Her son is 6 now and can count, read the alphabet in Spanish and he's now putting some words together. I'm wondering when he says that he's older if he's afraid to say it's an adult.
When I go into her house the mood is always calm and friendly, there doesn't appear to be any tension. I was there for supper one night and went to sit down, he asked that I sit beside him at the table because Nicholas likes me and would like for me to sit between the two of them. I could feel almost like there was a frizzle of energy to my left and the hair on my arm was standing up but I didn't have any goose bumps, again it wasn't a bad energy I wonder how long this person will stay around and why?