Steven Matrix wrote: Well said Pete. Since the real meaning of the word "demonologist" changed, people can make it whatever they want to today to go with whatever agenda they may have.
It seems to me that the meaning was changed to maybe keep people from discovering the truth; meaning that what was known as "supernatural" was probably more "natural". That's one of the reasons we exist here; to discover hidden truths.
I have to agree. Virtually every period of mankind's history is riddled with forms of entities that were either benevolent or hostile to them. They've apparently been around as long as mankind..probably longer. I don't do the whole religion thing because I understand that to be a man made construct. It's a way that a group of people perhaps perceive and believe in the divine but that does NOT make it FACT.
I get really put out with so-called 'experts' making claims they're going to clean it all up. The funny thing is I never hear a follow up story. I do believe that there are evil entities, demons, diamons, djinn..whatever you want to call them out there. I also believe that at the end of the day we are no closer to really knowing what they are and what they are really doing. I believe providing we don't blow ourselves up we may just learn what these beings are and what roll they play in the grand scheme of things