

My creeper is back...

17 Dec 2011 23:22 #11 by Karmastrophic
I'm going to invite him to return before I go to bed tonight. I think because I have never been able to visualize him (or her, but I feel more drawn to the idea of it being male), I have subconsciously trained myself to be afraid of him. When he's in my room, I sense him standing all the way across the room, between my closet and entry door, and it's kind of like I perceive a density in the darkness, but really no shape or figure. It's been terrifying to me in the past, but I'm starting to feel lately that maybe I don't need to be afraid.

Something like when I used to have a horse - it's way more powerful than I am, and has the potential to hurt be severely but not the desire to. I feel as if I need to be aware of that, respect the potential and remain cautious, but that I don't need to be afraid.

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17 Dec 2011 22:17 #12 by janglynbar
Regarding your creeper, although he’s been around for a long time and has never tried to do you any harm suggests that it may be one of your spirit guides, and of course he’s around when you have increased bad luck also suggests that he is trying to help you through some bad times you are experiencing. During your heightened sensitivity maybe you could try meditation and ask if he has any messages for you. It may take a few goes but you may get the answers you are looking for.

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17 Dec 2011 20:15 #13 by Karmastrophic
For years, I have had an entity following me. It comes and goes, and has let me be for the past couple of weeks, but now I sense he's back. I spent a lot of years being afraid of this guy, mainly because I have no real idea whether he's nice or means me harm, but I realized last night that when he makes his presence known to me it seems to coincide with an increase in lucid dreaming and heightened sensitivity.

This being has never brought me any harm that I can recall, though with the heightened sensitivity there also seems to be increased "bad luck" and turmoil in my life...though I now wonder if that's coincidental. See, for the longest time, I attributed evilness and malice to this entity because I would wake often throughout the night with the sense of being stared at, watched. I could never actually see him, but I knew he was there, usually standing near my closet door. But, he would leave when I asked, and if I told him he to leave me alone, he wouldn't bother me for weeks. I'm now kind of wondering if he's more of some kind of spiritual guide for me, and not something bent on making me miserable. Instead of trying to hard to block him, I'm going to try opening up to it a little more, just to see if maybe he's here to help and not instill fear. Maybe he's here to teach and has just been waiting for me to let him.

And the part of the increase in "bad luck" when he's around...well, what if that's kind of the trade-off for letting him in enough to help me grow spiritually? I wonder if maybe it's like opening a window to let in a summer breeze. The breeze itself it nice, but whatever odors are in the air will come in along with the breeze. Part & parcel.

Have any of you experienced something similar? As I said, this entity has never really made any obvious attempts to hurt me, it's more like it's watching, waiting for something. I sense him, but never too close, almost like he's waiting for me to be ready instead of pushing himself on me.


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