

My creeper is back...

27 Dec 2011 06:09 #1 by Karmastrophic
By the way, I should clarify lest someone think the suicide thing is recent - that happened over 6 months ago now. I haven't felt the draw to harm myself, or the intense depression or anxiety, or any of that since that night last summer. So, I'm safe in that respect, in case anyone was worrying about that. The night I felt the urge to die, I resisted and instead opened my Bible and began reading about the trials of Job. It was like a fever broke that night, and I haven't felt such peace in my life as I have since that night. No more antidepressants, sleep medication, anti-anxiety meds, or meds to keep me awake. They've all been discontinued and I feel alive and human.

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27 Dec 2011 06:05 #2 by Karmastrophic
It seems my creeper really isn't here to help me, and that "dream" thing...wasn't a dream. I know now who the entity stalking me is: Azael. He's tormented me for years and to make a long story short, drove me to within inches of suicide. As I sat contemplating the fastest & least painful way, a voice forced its way into my thoughts and told me that if I went through with it "then IT wins. You've then given up any hope of relief from God." Obviously, I made the choice to resist and endure.

I think the shadow essence I've felt on and off since then was Azael, trying to get hold of me again, but now I have God and St. Michael protecting me. I think that weird 'dream' thing was an attempt to get control of me again, but I was protected. I haven't felt the oppression since that event, but I do have the sense Azael is still watching from a distance, waiting for another opportunity.

I was meditating after the event happened and wondering who this dark entity was, and that's when the name "Azael" came to me, so I did some research on him...all I knew going in was that Azael was one of the fallen angels cast into hell with Lucifer. From what I've since read, it seems to fit...all the years of my life being one crisis heaped on top of another, the extreme fatigue that was sometimes so oppressive it was an effort to even breathe (and nothing medical could ever be found as a reason), the depression, the anxiety, the continual "bad luck" I endured for YEARS. I think it was Azael trying to break me down, and he very nearly succeeded.

In my reading, I also found a listing of the stages of possession, and from the things it describes it seems I was fully into the second stage: diabolic oppression/obsession. Thankfully, I had enough strength to resist giving up and I instead called on God and St. Michael to protect me. I feel they did, and that the demon would have won without their intervention.

To some extent, I feel a little weird even writing all of this, but this is what I believe took place.

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21 Dec 2011 02:27 #3 by justbecause80
Hello. I would have to agree in thinking he may be your spiritual guide. Did you think maybe if it wasn't a dream, but it was him telling whatever was there to leave you alone? It seems that are sensitive, as am I. I would look into and learn how to protect yourself, just in case you ever don't feel safe, you can put up your "wall". Ever since I can remember I have been working on putting up my "wall", now as I am older and can understand and are more willing to explore this part of myself, I am learning how to let that "wall" be a little less thick. I still find myself thinking, ok this isn't real or I didn't really see that or feel that or hear that. LOL Just think of this as a gift and everything will be ok :)

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21 Dec 2011 01:01 #4 by SasiowlJewell
Oaky since were on the subject of creeper's, question: My son said he always seen/felt soomeone or something in his room. A dark shape would rise from the floor and move onto his bed. He got a bunk bed so that it could not reach him. But then he said that it would shake his bed at night. Since he has moved to another state, can a creeper focus there attention to another person in the home? Just today as I was getting out of the shower, I swear I seen something move across the room to my closet. (I have a thing about closet and open doors anyways) and went to check it out. Nothing there. Next it moved from the closet and out the door. I know we already have a ghost that wanders the house as we have seen and heard him. But this is something new. I really dont think its a spirit guide like Karmastrophic has. Thought on this.
Karmastrophic: I hope that your creeper is a sprit guide and that in the end you find out that soon only good things will happen in your life!

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19 Dec 2011 04:38 #5 by irisheyes1223
hmmm you got me thinking on this one. a part of me wants to say that ur creeper is helping you but a little voice in my head is saying that it is there causing this. i hope you find out what it wants and if it is a guide. keep us posted!

i have a similar problem. i have an entity in my house and he is male but that is all he will allow me to know. i don't feel safe or comfortable with him and he wont tell me or let me know what he is about. all i know is when he is around i am being told to keep my guard up and not let him close.

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19 Dec 2011 03:07 #6 by Tresses Of Nephthys
I think you have two different things going on. Whatever is going on with your second creeper is not related to the first, if it even is a creeper at all or just a weird dream. Trust your intuition and keep the feelers out there.

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19 Dec 2011 01:38 #7 by Karmastrophic
LOL, I know. It may have just been my imagination, some dream that I was experiencing. Given the circumstances around it, it's maybe likely I was just still half asleep and dreaming the whole thing.

As for my creeper, I didn't feel the same way about this experience as I feel when he's around - it was, I don't know, a different feel to the energy. If this was a legit experience, I sort of feel it was a test of some sort. I was able to control my fear and almost felt like I was just watching at one point.

At any rate, I was amazed by it.

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19 Dec 2011 01:26 #8 by Tresses Of Nephthys
I agree with the previous post by Janglynbar that this entity may simply be around to help you in your time of need. I personally attribute my bouts of bad luck with the moon cycle, so maybe you could take a few weeks to journalize your bad luck (and good luck too). Does it tend to happen around the same time every month? Perhaps as the moon is about to become full?

As for you later posts, well, if this is the same entity, then scratch the whole being nice thing. But like you said, lay off on the ghostie shows for a little while, especially while sleeping!

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19 Dec 2011 00:52 #9 by Karmastrophic
Okay, I just had the weirdest experience! I'm willing to concede I could have only been dreaming, or it might have only been my imagination...but it might have also been something else. To preface what I am about to write, I have previously prayed and asked St. Michael to watch over me as I grow in my experiences becoming more adept at using my gifts, and I believe he does step in when I need him to. And, he may have done just that for me.

I was napping on my couch while watching old episodes of Ghost Adventures (which may have something to do with things) and was partially awake. I could hear the episode, something about a nurse who had dabbled in devil worship, and physically I thought I was awake - but I could not open my eyes. I even thought I'd gotten up from the couch and moved to my computer chair, but I sensed something with me and it was NOT nice. As I began to realize I was actually still lying on the couch, I got a little frightened by the fact I couldn't open my eyes, and something actually spoke through me. It was my voice, only deeper and more forceful, and through clenched teeth this voice hissed "Leave this house NOW, by the command of God! This one is NOT yours!"

The inability to move was replaced by the sensation of both my body and the couch vibrating as if I was lying on a jackhammer...then it was gone, and I could move.

Now, maybe this was only the remnants of a dream, triggered by hearing the Ghost Adventures episode on TV, and maybe it was sleep paralysis...I guess I don't really know. Part of me feels like something was there trying to do something to me and Michael chased it off. Either way, nothing like this has ever happened to me before and I wanted to share it. Now that the freaked out feeling has worn off, I'm viewing the whole thing as pretty cool. Not sure I want to make it a habit to experience, but...

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18 Dec 2011 00:34 #10 by janglynbar
Please keep us updated if anything happens

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