

Any thoughts, advice, or recommendations please

01 Feb 2012 19:47 #1 by rach411
Would you fight harder to stay in a house if you were a spirit if you knew that what you were doing was working? Or if you felt like the reason that they were talking about it was because they were scared? I would... and I think that if its a spirit that once lived that hasnt crossed over would have that type of mentality. If its something that has never lived, I still have the same opinion. Things would go a lot more smoothly if what ever it is in your home felt like it was not "winning" someone said that coming into your home and just saying "its good to home" will help and I totally agree :). That is the perfect mentality to have. It would be harder to have that mentality if you were too consumed and worried about it playing over and over all the things it has done and talking about it with other people. Its a way to not only give them less power but give you more power. Mind over matter goes a long way not that it will make it go away though...

There is also something to say about a comment someone made about the whole cancer thing... I completely agree with you and I think some of you misunderstood what I was trying to say but not that its completely relative to the topic but there are people who have had cancer "cured" by no type of treatments... just a will, and a little faith. So keep the will and the faith but it will do you no good to talk about your "cancer" issue (aka haunting issue)

I don't mean to offend anyone and I hope that I haven't :(

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01 Feb 2012 19:40 #2 by Peek-A-Boo
emotions give entities strength, if you show any fear, whether it be expressed verbally or by thought.

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01 Feb 2012 19:11 #3 by rach411
Okay, I should re-word what I meant by that. I didnt mean that ignoring it will make it go away but giving it attention makes things worse just like when a three year old throws a temper tantrum. I agree that you should do everything that people have advised you to do in the getting rid of the spirit, like cleaning, smudging etc. But I also think that you shouldnt talk about everything that happens while in your home either. Talking about it to other people to see what you can do about it isnt bad, but talking about weird things in your house while in there in my opinion feeds it. They can hear you... and its just my opinion that I have found that the more they hear you talk about it what you notice they have been doing, the more they feel like it is working. What ever is in your home is "Evil" (just my opinion) and I do not by any means think that it will go away by you ignoring it. But I think that while taking the steps to get rid of it, would be much easier to so if you didnt feed into it. Not that I think you feed into it but talking about it could make them or it feel like your scared and consumed in what is happening in your home... its not easy for me to articulate it and I could be wrong its just my opinion. But I wanted to make it clear that I by no means think that ignoring it will settle your issue, but that it gives it less power then what it has when it knows its "noticed" if that makes any sense...

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01 Feb 2012 15:26 #4 by spiritgirl
I have five children 20 16 13 12 and almost 2 years. It is my almost two year old daughter and 16 year old son. Knowing what was happening felt like the most helpless thing that was happening. My son is learning now how to shut his ability off and on as he would wake up screaming everynight as well as my baby.. They were feeding off his fear and I have told him to reclaim his space and home as well as had anothing house cleasing. Also I have been keeeping my spiirt guide very busy lol. Thanks for writting I enjoyed talking to you.

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01 Feb 2012 15:04 #5 by LeslieAValentin
Hi there,

Not sure what the ages of your children are. Like your family, it has come down through mine as well. My son (20 yrs old) and youngest daughter (18 next month) also have gifts and abilities. When our children display these qualities, especially for those who do understand or share the same things; it is up to us to help them understand what is happening, learn how to handle the situation, etc.

Even as wee ones they can learn how to say no if they see something or to learn how to come and tell you. My youngest daughter when she was 3 used to say - "I'm telling my Mommy on you!" She would come and get me and it would get handled.

Overload for anyone of any age can be exhausting. It's tiresome when you have one or two.

As for me, I've lived with this my whole life and have been doing readings as well as investigations for over 28 years now.

The point is to help your children then come to understand what is happening and how to tell them NO.

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01 Feb 2012 14:53 #6 by spiritgirl
What you are saying is very true. It's not always the case that it's the property. My family has a history of being sensitive but my children more so. I have had many spirits looking for help and going to my children for it. I have had spirits who were hear just to frighten them. I have never ignored the fact that they told me this was happening because I believed in it. I wish more adults believed there children. It's true to be stronger than there negativity. For some moving is not an option because I have had them follow us hundred of miles away. The spirit world still fascinates me and I think it's great to have opinions and advice from other peole thank you for your advice. For those who can not seen to stop the spirits maybe you to are sensitive. Feel comfortable in your own skin except your gift and learn how to turn it on and off so that they are not always allowed to be apart of your life and your families life. There life was and not is and you need to share your thought to the spirits about that. It's a whole other story when you have peole that have medium qualities. Sprit is always willing to converse and come around.

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01 Feb 2012 11:41 #7 by LeslieAValentin
Having lived in homes from time to time where there are negative imprints and energies over the years, as well as having gone into homes to assist where this is a problem, I have to disagree with the statement about not paying attention to it.

One home that I lived in from 2005 to 2008, for example, had a wonderful "air" to it when my now ex-husband and I moved in. However, it did not stay that way for long and once my children and his children were present in the home things rapidly changed.

To ignore a negative situation by not acknowledging it does not equate as what one would do with a small child throwing a temper tantrum. It's more like ignoring cancer and hoping it will go away on it's own without treatment.

Having small children or even grade school aged children or teens is going to be a concern; especially for their safety.

Having come into this discussion at this "late hour", one thing you must ask yourself is 1) If you rent the home, is it worth fighting for to stay and 2) If you own the home are you again, willing to either find a way to cleanse the home or to find a way to make peace with whatever is there.

If your answer is to fight for your home, I would advise doing so when the children are not present. Perhaps they can stay the night or weekend at a family member's house or a friend's house for a sleep over.

Understand that some things just won't be moved; regardless of what you try. Other times, you can be successful in the cleansing but realize that you may need to repeat it from time to time to ensure keeping the peace.

If it is a negative imprint that is there and your home is newer, there is a good chance that the location is tainted. Whatever happened long ago on that property is going to probably stay there. A scar if you will in a dimensional fold. Unfortunately, it's not like having plastic surgery to remove a scar on your body.

My advice to you is first, keep a positive influence around the house. Play positive music, watch movies that will induce laughter, be affectionate with your family and show love. If you are having marital issues, find a way to "talk" and "discuss" things rather than fight about it. Negative imprints will feed off discourse and unhappiness; just as a cancer will metastasize into other areas of the body. It will spread like a disease if your family has a negative flux.

Document times, dates and what happens. For example: On Jan. 3, at 2:46 am, you were awakened by cabinets banging in the kitchen. Upon investigation, everyone in the house was sleeping and there was no reasonable explanation for the event.

If you have smaller children, have they "found" an "invisible playmate"? If so, watch this and document this also. While it is normal for children to have unseen friends via the imagination, there are documented cases where children have befriended the spirit(s). And, while it may start off as innocent, it could very well change to something else. So pay attention if this is the case.

If you're hearing things, or unexplained things are happening, talk to it as if you were talking to me or someone else that was doing something that was not acceptable to you in your home. The key word is TALK. Don't instigate or patronize. Make it clear that you are aware of their presence and you would appreciate it if they did not "slam the kitchen cabinet" or "turn off the lights while someone was in the shower" or "I do not approve of your scaring my children". Often a peace can be made just by making it clear that this is your home now and this is what is not acceptable.

If you choose to do a cleansing, please refer to the Cleansing through Smudging article. It is a step by step of how to cleanse your person as well as your home and property.

Finally, the most important thing is to not show fear to it. If you need to vent or talk about it, do that part outside of the home. Remember negativity breeds negativity.

I hope this has helped some and I wish you the very best with your situation.

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01 Feb 2012 06:05 #8 by amoonwolfe
You are the strongest, most together person you will ever meet. Add a cute little Welcome Friends sign to your kitchen, it'll help send the message who's welcome and who needs to take a hike. Reinforce the light and life and love in your home with music and merriment whenever possible. You're already putting the problematic spirit(s) on notice by openly speaking of them here. No battle required, no negativity involved, you have merely stated that their behavior is unacceptable-pure fact. When you walk in the door, smile and say "it's good to be home." Create the safe, nurturing space your family needs and as you do, the spirits will either realize you mean them no harm or at the very least get the message and back off. Believe to achieve!

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01 Feb 2012 03:33 #9 by spiritgirl
I have had negative thimgs in my home they come and go some good some bad. Surround yourself and family in the white light tell it that it's not wanted or allowed in your home ignoring it does not make it go away. Trust me I have been going through it for years now. If you have children even if you ignore it whatever is there can feed off fear alone even when you don't talk about it. My children see the dead my one can talk to them. I can feel them. Take charge of your home and send them packing. A house cleansing helps! Good luck.

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01 Feb 2012 03:20 #10 by rach411
I would also not speak of or pay attention to things that go on in your home that are negative, while in your house. The reason I say this is because the more you notice and speak of it the more power you give it. Ignoring not only works for the living but for the dead as well. No reason and no power to do anything when there is no audience. You have kids so Im sure you know how it is when someone decides to throw a temper tantrum... you dont feed into it instead you act like its not even there. I have found that when I talk about scary stuff or experiences that I get this horrible feeling, that I shouldnt be talking about it. I trust my instincts on that. What ever is in your home obviously is not wanting to play nice. So my number 1 advice to you is to never speak of it in the house, it draws unwanted attention.

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