So the other day my friend tells me something unusual happened to him. he was standing at the door and he felt something hit him. when he turned around the bottle of window cleaner was on the floor.
So he looked behind him and went to the photo center to see if someone threw it at him. No one was around. Then he told me that only one light fixture was swinging back and forth by itself. There is no heater or vents around the light fixture. All the lights are lined up in a row but only one is swinging back and forth. Hmm I said. I have heard our store has strange things going on but no one ever told me a strange experience such as this. My friend is epileptic so I was wondering if prescriptions can cause hallusinations or can he be telling the truth. I have worked at the door but never felt or encountered anything weird. So I am asking what is your take on this? Hmmm.