I kinda am, I know I can calm down an animal when their really agitated and no one else can. They tend to come to me and will stay by me. But at the same time I have experienced this with small children also. Kids will come up to me in a store and stand by me smiling. One little girl actually held my hand. I usually smile back and say hi. They seem to be mesmerized by me. This one time, a little girl was in a shopping cart. You can tell she was sick. If i had to guess, I would say cerebral palsy. She was crying and really upset, I walked by the cart and stopped crying, reached out her hand to me and tried to smile. I walked over to her, held her hand and hugged her. Of course her mom didn't like that. I told the little girl it was OK. I looked at her mom, smiled and left. The little girl made sure watched every move I made. I don't know if this is the same thing. But I know I have a connection with them.