I have heard that before. And I think that it has lined up with my losses over the years. That night was the only exception.
My Papa (grandpa) passed away in September last year. I was fortunate enough to see him the day before, he was having a good day. Almost every member of my family has passed away battling cancer. So a good day is always a bonus.
The next day mom said not to come over. To do our thing that day since we came down for the weekend to see him. Natually, I was so upset. I just knew. My boyfriend did his best to cheer me a bit. So, we left for home shortly after.(After he took me to the bug zoo. Yes, I am super scared of spiders and he took me there LOL)
Anyways...We were in the car I remember smelling roses all of a sudden. It was brief, but it felt calming to me. About 45 mins later my mom called my cell phone and said that had passed away about 45 mins ago.
Usually before someone passes away, family memembers. Even if I don't know something is wrong, or their sick.... I am inconsolable for that day. I get so depressed that day, I am crying so much, won't eat nothing. It is horrible. Every time someone has passed away, before it happens or before i find out. It is like I am grieving before hand. All my life, I have known something bad is going to happen. Not just death, but other things too. I keep an eye on my gut feelins, they have never steered me wrong yet.