Can remote viewing be an object intead of a picture? One time when I was working at a call center for AT&T, I just got out of work as I left the building. I ran into a friend and started talking to him. As I was Talking to him, for some unknown reason I became fixated on a bright shiney red motorcycle. There was a sense I felt that was not good. While my friend still talked to me I kept my eyes on the bike and couldn't figure out why I was so drawn to the bike but I knew the outcome was not to be good. Later that night I was watching the news, A gentleman who also worked there was killed. He was the owner of the bike and went to cash his check. He was driving at a high rate of speed, lost control, hitting a car killing him instantly. I felt I should have found out who drove it so I could have told him but I thought maybe I was just being silly. I think I need to trust my insights of what I feel.