With the letdown of what was supposed to be a live investigation back in January, I wanted to give some information here. This upcoming live investigation(2 nights) Feb 10th and 11th will work. We will have a working laptop and a reliable internet connection. The problem on the last investigation was a computer issue, not a signal problem. We now have a BHPI use only computer that will be used for live investigations as well as all other BHPI needs. We will actually have our main base set up in a gift shop that has a good internet connection. This one we're ensuring we have our proverbial ducks in a row, whatever that's supposed to mean. We will stream live during the first night, then when we retire, the equipment will remain up, but we will disconnect our cameras(the cabling has to run outside and we want to be safe and not have anyone tamper with our stuff). They will be reconnected when we get going the next night. We will have times available soon. Should be fun!!!