It was fun and exahausting!! Tonight we will be on the main floor and in the basement. These two floors have been the most active in passed investigations. Stay tuned and looking forward to tonight. Seven hours and counting!!
By the way, if you're miffed because you missed Day 1 last night, don't worry tonight the action continues as the crew moves to the first floor. Last night in the late/early hours a great deal of the action stemmed from the staircase that leads from the 2nd to the 1st floor. Well tonight they get to the root of that action.
So, day 1 of the investigation is over. If you missed it you missed a great investigation. Started out with some setup issues which were quickly resolved. After which there was a long investigation filled with all sorts of events. For those who missed it, make sure to check out the recorded version of the live event. Due to its length its split into 6 parts each about an hour in length.