When dealing with unwanted natural ability, you have nothing to fear, but fear itself. Entities feed off the energy that fear produces. Depending on your spiritual and/or religious beliefs, and the level of natural ability you posess, you can be a generator of a large amount of energy for entities to feed off of. It sounds as if you have a high level of natural ability, and although you seem to accept this, I wouldn't be supprised to find confilicts between the spiritual beliefs you were taught and the paranormal experiences you've been having. If that were not enough, the overwhelming fear of not being able to protect your children adds even more energy and acts like a 'welcome' mat to the entities. You also have some knowelege on how to respond to their unwelcomed visits. In order to get them to obey your 'do not disturb' notice, you must teach your children methods to discourage the visits as well. Remember that natural ability is often inherited from parents and ancestors. This means there's a very good chance that your children also have a high level of ability. Young children in general are often plagued by unwanted visits. They have not been taught not to believe in 'ghosts' yet, they scare easily and they have an abundance of energy. If they are to young to be taught that they have the abilty to deny the unwelcomed visits. Try giving them an object that has the power to repel the 'ghosts' and send them far, far away. I know a mother who used dream catchers for her psychic brood. Worked like a charm. A stuffed animal with 'special' powers, or a special blanket they could pull over their head, and that they wouldn't have to be afraid anymore, because it contained a powerful force-field that no ghost, not even an army of ghosts, get get through. You get the picture. Reinforce the power of the object by telling them that ghosts weren't evil spirits, or really bad at all, they're just mischievious, and only pick on little kids who don't have a special ghost repelling object like their's(a can of air freshener just came to mind, you can cover the label with one you create yourself, see it says right here that it eliminates annoying visits from even the scariest of ghosts) cause bigger kids and adults aren't afraid of them. And don't forget to mention how you'd love to be there to see the look on those ghosts 'faces' when they discovered that they had secret weapons and laugh about how funny that would look. I feel the methods above are your best options for eliminating your problem. I honestly believe that it is the energy you and your family produce, not your house, that is the cause of the hauntings. I know that you have the abilty to eliminate this problem. For more help, visit
. There is page devoted psychic children and the challenges they face. I'd wish you good luck, but you don't need it. ]