Ghost, haunted, CADAVER, do not approach at all costs, ghost, reppelant, evil entities, something really bad can't tell yet not a wight although might be.... Carlos, La Hossa De Las Muertes De Juegos Al Arabiya Nandes Costa La Karabiya non.... ok enough I have wretched wirths from this... you guys are like baaaaad mojo magnet... sorry I just lost it there, I still like you BUT you are A LOT of trouble, and I am like that myself, two wrongs don't make a right, right?
Heck I'll stick anyway, more fun and love to share.... but yeah why Carlos? something around his thighs is worrying, as in cut off, but not sealed properly... you might just want to dig it up... but trust me very bad... also wendigos about ... ehhh ok I'm soooo not going to THAT place. Ask questions and add info, you ommited like three things I can sense there VERY IMPORTANT. Singing is a la estrela thing. Call it magick if you like.