I think they should be free to post any in which they choose, unless there are sub categories for specifically a certain class, some people may never get Class A's... I get some... but if they are putting them up in discussions, and want feed back on what they could say.. more power to them.. sometimes that "missing" evp.. could fill in the gap of what the conclusion(s) will be. Its a little different if they are adding them to a portfolio or something. but up here.. no worries, that and its all learning experiences for other people and the person who captured and such "evidence"
Even if they come up distorted without clear audibility they can give credence to solidify activity in the environment in which they are investigating.. should they be held as absolutes.. no.. but when added up with other evidence it can make a difference
But I agree when the frame is amplified to makes it hard to hear.
I think there should be some accountability as to where the equipment is positions to the device, or if the noise is in another room, or better yet.. if their communicating device i.e. spirit box, meters what ever aare not at maximum proximity or volume relative to the recording device.