But Tress, without the drama, you won't:
1) make money
2) reach emotionally driven high school kids and adrenaline junkies
3) have a big following of those consisting of #2
4) get high ratings
5) be considered as "experts" in the field; meaning there'll be no lectures or books to write, which takes us back to #1.
6) be able to script every show exactly how you want to get people to turn the tv on to your channel to watch you week in and week out.
7) be able to fill a 60 minute time slot
be able to give yourself a pat on the back and tell each other how well you did so you can prepare people to watch you the following week so steps 1-8 can start all over again.
I ask you, without drama, where would you be? NOWHEREVILLE.
BTW, #8 is not supposed to have a smiley face; it's #8.