Keith wrote: Steven, the spirits I see have little to no distortions at least in my eyes. Perhaps if I were to take a picture of them at that moment they could come out different. Those who show themselves to me as in their full form I would never try to get a picture of for I would be afraid it may begin a mistrust between them and I.
Those I search for I have little to no contact with other than knowing we are not alone in this place. Will they ever show me a full view as those use to me? I can only hope.
Trust. That is what is expected of us. In my opinion.
I come out and ask them if I can photograph them. I learned from an intuitive to let them know that I know they aren't dead, but very much alive. I also tell them that I am taking photos and would love if they would be a part of the photo [another reason to visit the same place many times to gain their trust of my intention] because the photos I use will be shown to others to educate as to the proof that the afterlife is real.
The thing with me is that I go to a location almost exclusively to photograph; nothing else interests me. Like Wes I also use infrared photography as one of my mediums. The photo I posted for you a few days ago Keith was done in IR. Photography is how I connect with spirits and I stay within those perameters; not because I limit myself, but because I know it's what I'm supposed to be doing.