Geeesh Chris, you been reading my diary?!?
Honestly though, you hit that nail right smack dab on the head. Both of you have.
Many people thing the hardest part of becoming an investigator is finding the places to investigate, gaining access, or buying the equipment. In reality that is the easier part of it.
The administrative portion is the hardest part of the mix. As I've mentioned previously in other posts, it reminds me so much of being in a band. Working around people's schedules, getting help to do the mundane things which need to be done and just managing the various personalities in the group is probably the most daunting task.
I've been a Manager for a good part of my life so at least I've had some experience with the human factor, but its different in a situation where people are not getting paid to be there. You have to employ an entirely different set of skills to manage a group that's there primarily because of a love of the subject matter. Its difficult but also rewarding at times, when things pay off like you said Chris.
I'm thinking as we evolve and progress on this site, my hope is that it can serve as a bit of a place to offload some of the more tedious tasks involved in investigation. I'm working with a few people now to create a case manager suite. So that will hopefully help. Also I envision eventually uploading your raw materials and then assigning groups of individuals (in your group, or in other groups, or non-connected) to review the data. In some cases perhaps 5+ people reviewing the same exact data to get multiple eyes/ears on it. And then as the case manager you can bring it all back together into a united report.
My hope is that we can get to a point where the people with certain strengths can be left to use those strengths, and free up some of their time. Let the investigators investigate. Let those who are great at sifting through evidence and get great joy form it, do that.
I think there is great strength that can come from a community of investigators such as this. It will never completely remove the daunting task of managing personalities and schedules. But maybe we can all make it just a little bit easier.