This is an issue that has been ongoing for years. Thus a reason that I choose to stay as an independent investigator. Then if I'm asked along by a group I'm accquainted with, there are no issues. Yes, the evidence collected by a particular group belongs to that group. But the animosity of being to the point of shall we say, less than desirable in manners, has increasingly grown. And also, while I am familiar with some of the equipment, most of the time when I accompany an investigation it is as an Empath/Sensitive/Medium. I let the actual team members work the "big guns".
Folks, investigative teams must have professionalism. You and the team are entering people's homes, businesses and places that allow teams in to study. Regardless of whether it is a cojoined effort of a few teams or one, if a respectable behavior cannot be maintained as an individual, one group or more, then you have no business being in that location. Just my opinion there.... but I also found that opinion of over 28 years of working with others in different locations.
Time to stop the sandbox drama and grow up.