Hi everyone! How are ya? I am going to post a prayer of protection for those you who may need one. If your are doing an investigation, this prayer should be said before entering your destination. It can also be said if you feel a negative presence around you. So here it is:
May the white light of the Lords spirit surround me and protect me. Help me Jesus to over come what evil that is in my path. Please send your Arch Angel Michael to help me in my battle. Surround me with your love and light Jesus ...amen
Remember when you pray, always pray to Jesus, he is the one with the light that you need,
You can also say the prayer of Saint Michael, you can find it on the internet...remember to always ask for protection and remember to tell the spirits that they are NOT allowed to follow you out...you don't want to bring anything home... Hope this helps..
Happy hunting, be careful out there...
Hope this helps...