Hi I to suffered to tho point I would have to stay in bed with lights & no noise face covered the a cold towel. Sometimes anything with caffine will cause them. As well as chocolate, tne ingredent in foods called MSG Monosodium Glutamate. I try to stay way from that. I hope this is helpfull.
I have had migraines my whole life too! Recently I was told I am affected by the barimetric(sp) pressures in the air when they go from low-high is can cause pretty bad ones. I was also told that I have a light sensitivity I like to tie a bandanna around my head kinda tight and that helps.
Do you get migraines on a regular basis? I have been having them all my adult life but lately they have been too random and frequent so I go outside (always when it happens) and I just say out loud "Go away" or "Stop it" and I close my eyes, breathe and relax. If that doesn't help I pop a couple of Excedrine...love of my life! lol
The person is slowly coming through. He was a man about 35-40. He was very depressed, He decided to go hunting, see him in the woods with his gun and dogs, the dogs are running aroung like crazy... that's all i have right now.
The world are skeptics. If you want to truly figure this out you have to remove the external factors that may be causing it. This takes time and patience. Then, if you feel something is still trying to connect with you then contact a professional who can help mediate you/it. Dont be surprised if it takes a long time to find anyone willing to really help.
Not sure how you can get it to go away but i am always here to listen and help anytime. Day or night if you need me just send me a message. Get a white candle light it and sit alone with it. Burn it till you feel better. This will help cleanse you i had to yesterday and just remembered.
This is something I've been going through today. I feel very depressed, I have a really bad migraine. But the thing is, there not my feelings I know this. Someone is trying to communicate but can't get through.
How do I make this go away?