

Job opportunity: Open casting for Ghost Hunters TV

20 Feb 2012 03:48 #1 by amoonwolfe
They've already tried that...."Dude, RUN" with Brian Harnois back a few years ago lol

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20 Feb 2012 01:20 #2 by Steven Matrix
Replied by Steven Matrix on topic Re: Job opportunity: Open casting for Ghost Hunters TV

crystalcross wrote: Hey Steve!

Actually I think we're both aiming in basically the same direction...

I really don't have a problem with expression opinions, or disagreeing with what the TV personalities do or say. Actually I'm not really on board with most of them either. It may not have come across correctly, but my major concern was less with anything having to do with them and more with our reaction to them.

There are two ways in which one can be an activist, which is basically what we are. We are attempting to enact change which is in line with our views. One way is to actively fight or buck against the views which we see not in line with ours. This is the more aggressive approach and can sometimes be seen as harsh. The best way to temper this is to couple the approach with an alternative. In other words be vocal about your feelings about something but at the same time offer alternatives and show a better way. This turns a negative into a positive.

You're right I do like to see the positive in things. Not necessarily the positive a particular person or idea, but rather to explore a better way. To simply leave something at a negative does not offer any productivity. I think part of this stems from my scientific background. In science its not good enough to simply poke holes in an accepted theory, but rather to provide a better and more plausible theory.

I also don't like cutting people down. There is a difference between being vocal about your opinions and going beyond that. At some point it ends up reflecting badly on cause itself.

I think we can all get our points across without crossing that border towards outright attacks. Years of management classes may not have helped me at work, but they have taught me a few things.

#1 - Never address individual, but rather address the behavior.

#2 - A ruler demands respect, a leader gains respect.

The important one being #1.

As for uniting together, I don't mean all believing or seeing things the same way. But rather coming together in a peaceful manner. I think that is a definite possibility whether we all view things the same or not. Perhaps we can all be the Knights of the tesseract table, round has been so overdone and I want to be a bit different.

Ok, now be honest how many know what tesseract means without googling it?

Yes my friend, I agree that we're pretty much on the same page. You're correct when you mention an alternative approach to a problem. That's how we've done it in past posts and need to stay in that direction.

Lol, I'm a full blooded Scorpio and the wife is a strong Leo; meaning our tendency is to tell it like it is and both of us are about truth. Lying is not an option nor is taking advantage of others.

That's why we need you; you are our yin and we are the yang. Together there's balance. Lol.

Everything you said Rob is point well taken.

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20 Feb 2012 00:59 #3 by crystalcross
Hey Steve!

Actually I think we're both aiming in basically the same direction...

I really don't have a problem with expression opinions, or disagreeing with what the TV personalities do or say. Actually I'm not really on board with most of them either. It may not have come across correctly, but my major concern was less with anything having to do with them and more with our reaction to them.

There are two ways in which one can be an activist, which is basically what we are. We are attempting to enact change which is in line with our views. One way is to actively fight or buck against the views which we see not in line with ours. This is the more aggressive approach and can sometimes be seen as harsh. The best way to temper this is to couple the approach with an alternative. In other words be vocal about your feelings about something but at the same time offer alternatives and show a better way. This turns a negative into a positive.

You're right I do like to see the positive in things. Not necessarily the positive a particular person or idea, but rather to explore a better way. To simply leave something at a negative does not offer any productivity. I think part of this stems from my scientific background. In science its not good enough to simply poke holes in an accepted theory, but rather to provide a better and more plausible theory.

I also don't like cutting people down. There is a difference between being vocal about your opinions and going beyond that. At some point it ends up reflecting badly on cause itself.

I think we can all get our points across without crossing that border towards outright attacks. Years of management classes may not have helped me at work, but they have taught me a few things.

#1 - Never address individual, but rather address the behavior.

#2 - A ruler demands respect, a leader gains respect.

The important one being #1.

As for uniting together, I don't mean all believing or seeing things the same way. But rather coming together in a peaceful manner. I think that is a definite possibility whether we all view things the same or not. Perhaps we can all be the Knights of the tesseract table, round has been so overdone and I want to be a bit different.

Ok, now be honest how many know what tesseract means without googling it?

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19 Feb 2012 21:33 - 20 Feb 2012 01:01 #4 by Steven Matrix
Replied by Steven Matrix on topic Re: Job opportunity: Open casting for Ghost Hunters TV

crystalcross wrote: I must say, am personally not really thrilled with the direction this thread has gone. I'm not trying to defend any group, don't say I agree with what any of the groups on TV or doing or not. The few things I will say has more to do with us and less to do with them...

And that is that if 1/10th of the time and effort which goes into looking at what other groups are doing or not doing would be channeled into making and creating positive change in the field, just imagine how much farther we could be.

Its all in fun I'm sure, but remember regardless of whether they're on TV, those groups and the members of the groups are people too and they do have feelings. So lets keep that in mind.

Also, one thing that I've tried the imbue into this site and into the general spirit of the site is a spirit of cooperation, understanding, and diversity. Setting aside the competition, bickering and negative aspects which so often have become a keystone of this field, and in stead creating bonds, and strength in numbers.

Most of us are here because we've had to fight for what we believe, and I understand that. But what kind of message do we send out by stepping on other's work, whether we agree with it or not in this way. Fun is fun, and I certainly understand everyone's frustration but lets think about our actions first.

I’m glad that you wrote this my friend because this is a very good discussion; some of which we will have to agree to disagree.

I’ve known you long enough to say that you are the kind of person that looks for the good in everything and everyone; always trying to be on the positive end of a discussion. This is one of the things that I admire about you and I have to say that I look at you as one of those rare people that the rest of us don’t encounter very often.

I completely understand where you are coming from CC. I’m of a bit of a different mindset regarding some of what I say when I do mention other groups. I generally don’t mention the people, but will chime in when someone does. I don’t regret doing that for several reasons, one of which is the exploitation of spirits themselves [who also have feelings btw] for $$ and for ratings. I’m not going to ramble on this as you and I have discussed this as well as it having been discussed on the G & H forum.

I do not apologize for calling people out who dish out the PPK [paranormal pimp koolaid] that the mind hackers of TV land routinely bring to the masses every week. Those people don’t care about the feelings of those they exploit [spirits and the living who watch them]. For this reason, I do not give respect unless it has been earned. My motives have nothing to do with competition or negativity as mentioned by you above. There are many aspects of educating people, one of which is to point out the things that are wrong about the field; not to target “specific” people, but to present to people another way of thinking that they haven’t been shown before. People tend to follow a particular group and believe what they read or hear, choosing to stay in a box by making what they're given as "the way to do it". This is not a good thing.

I do agree that bonds and strength in numbers is extremely beneficial. Having said that, I believe that even on this site, not all of us will have a bond as we see the field in different ways. I can look at a few members on this site and just know in my gut that we’re at least close to being on the same page [this is a type of bond] and some know they in return have that bond. I also know that there are people who come to this site who wouldn’t want anything to do with me because of my opinions. That’s OK. We aren’t going to gel with everyone and I don’t expect to, but there will always be division, no matter how hard one tries for the opposite. People are born into this world different from their peers and they become who they are through the life experiences and self gained knowledge they receive while on this journey we call life.

I believe that we can have balance in everything, the yin and the yang if you will. I see this field as being in need of a few pioneers. To my knowledge, we haven’t seen their arrival yet; but rather see most as parroting what someone else has said or done and becoming more like experts in the knowledge of nothing. Just my 2 cents.
Last edit: 20 Feb 2012 01:01 by crystalcross.

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17 Feb 2012 23:46 #5 by crystalcross
I must say, am personally not really thrilled with the direction this thread has gone. I'm not trying to defend any group, don't say I agree with what any of the groups on TV or doing or not. The few things I will say has more to do with us and less to do with them...

And that is that if 1/10th of the time and effort which goes into looking at what other groups are doing or not doing would be channeled into making and creating positive change in the field, just imagine how much farther we could be.

Its all in fun I'm sure, but remember regardless of whether they're on TV, those groups and the members of the groups are people too and they do have feelings. So lets keep that in mind.

Also, one thing that I've tried the imbue into this site and into the general spirit of the site is a spirit of cooperation, understanding, and diversity. Setting aside the competition, bickering and negative aspects which so often have become a keystone of this field, and in stead creating bonds, and strength in numbers.

Most of us are here because we've had to fight for what we believe, and I understand that. But what kind of message do we send out by stepping on other's work, whether we agree with it or not in this way. Fun is fun, and I certainly understand everyone's frustration but lets think about our actions first.
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17 Feb 2012 23:33 - 17 Feb 2012 23:50 #6 by Peek-A-Boo
Last edit: 17 Feb 2012 23:50 by Peek-A-Boo.

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17 Feb 2012 23:30 #7 by Steven Matrix
Replied by Steven Matrix on topic Re: Job opportunity: Open casting for Ghost Hunters TV

Peek-A-Boo wrote:

Steven Matrix wrote: I ask you, where would we be without the drama queens? Lol. I'm sorry folks, if they're drama queens, I can't take them seriously. I see them as graduates of some clown college. Something like this:

This one is closer to home Steven
I hate the screaming Mimi's like Zach or the snippy tone used by Ch$p Coffey or the sugary to dramatic Lorraine Warren

Maybe some combined efforts among "real" people can help make this field more legit.

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17 Feb 2012 22:54 #8 by Peek-A-Boo

Steven Matrix wrote: I ask you, where would we be without the drama queens? Lol. I'm sorry folks, if they're drama queens, I can't take them seriously. I see them as graduates of some clown college. Something like this:

This one is closer to home Steven
I hate the screaming Mimi's like Zach or the snippy tone used by Ch$p Coffey or the sugary to dramatic Lorraine Warren

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17 Feb 2012 22:43 - 17 Feb 2012 22:47 #9 by Steven Matrix
Replied by Steven Matrix on topic Re: Job opportunity: Open casting for Ghost Hunters TV
I ask you, where would we be without the drama queens? Lol. I'm sorry folks, if they're drama queens, I can't take them seriously. I see them as graduates of some clown college. Something like this:
Last edit: 17 Feb 2012 22:47 by Steven Matrix.

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17 Feb 2012 18:14 #10 by Peek-A-Boo

Tresses Of Nephthys wrote: Oh gosh, now I'm curious in a keep-a-barf-bag-by-my-side sort of way.

LMAO, they could make it even more nauseating by hiring a Ch$p Coffey type Psychic, arrogant, snippy and a Drama Queen :sick:

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