Jump one here. I like those questions. Where do we come from? What are we? and Where are we going?
Here is what I get from my spiritual guides:
You do not come from anywhere, you have always been here (here = the universal darkatron = space). This is for the spirit.
You already know where you came from (Earth = dirt) and why you are here (for spirit) and where you are going (back to Earth). This is for the body.
You are supreme spirits darkatron. Intelligent space. Live space. Ruled by the Entire God also known as the Entire (universe). You are an immortal eternal life form. This is for the spirit.
You are a genetically manipulated human animal. You were genetically engineered specially to accept spirit. Supreme intelligence is what you carry: Which other animal can write a post? You can because you have supreme intelligence; you have Spirit. You are a biological robot and the program to run it is Spirit. This is for the body.
You are going to other planets, to do other things related to the will of the Universal Intelligence. This is for the spirit.
You are evolving. Advancing. Approaching your megamoon is the age of many waters. You will have to learn to fly, or drown! Yet, the important thing is the lesson leaned. For, nothing is waisted in the Entire (universe). This is for the body.