I was in the church for twenty years [wife for thirty] before deciding not to listen any longer to those that claimed to be all knowing on the platform. When it comes to what many would refer to as demons; most of us, including the church, don't know about the subject for the most part. At the same time, I can't say that all spirits who aren't good could be called demons. They could be disembodied spirits. When someone dies, they don't change when moving into the other dimension; so that could be a reasonable explanation; one which I could ask our intuitive friend who has dealt with such things.
What I do believe is that you have these entities or spirits that are allowed to function, much for our benefit. You might ask, "How could something like that function for our benefit?" I'm glad you asked. Without the opportunity to choose from right and wrong, good and evil, truth or lie, give or steal; where would we be with free will and the opportunity to become better human beings that can help humanity?
Free will and the ability to choose right from wrong is how we evolve so to speak. I can also tell you that when you make the wrong decisions, there is no eternal place of fire and brimstone waiting on you as punishment. That concept was created to control the masses through fear. Taking the time to research that will prove those who came up with the concept to be liars. I just wanted to throw that in for some of you who may be dealing with family members who try use that to get you to go to their way of thinking. While they do it out of sincerity and concern, it can cause more harm than good.
Every one of us has a unique and separate journey from everyone else and our belief systems may be different; but in reality, we are all on the same path to becoming better human beings.