This morning as I was driving down the road heading towards my destination my mind started to wander into deep thought as so often it does in the mornings. Let this also serve as a warning to those drivers sharing the road with me in the morning

. I first started thinking about a subject which comes so often into the forefront, "ORBS". As I was talking to myself in my mind I was jumping on the bandwagon of the evils of orb photography again when I came to some epiphanetic realizations. If you would let me guide you through my thought train for a moment, and please keep your arms and legs inside at all times this will prove to be a bumpy ride.
Most orbs are items or dust or some other reflected or direct light source which is bounced off the lenses inside of the camera to produce a artifact that appears brighter than its surroundings. The attributes we then see within it be they faces or loved ones, are in turn patterns of randomness which we relate into familiar objects. This is often known as matrixing.
This let me to the realization that much of what we do as Paranormal Investigators is looking for patterns. Look for a moment at some of the tools which we employ in our field. Lets first look at one of the most obvious, the Olivus X and the entire line of speech conversion equipment. These items take impulses from the physical such as EMF readings, electrostatic, sound, and a variety of other sensors on a multi-axis plane and then convert those readings into numbers which are used to pick words from a large library of words and "Speak" them. Its basically an electronic way of taking environmental randomness and converting it into words. The hope being that spirits can manipulate these readings to produce the outcome of words which they wish. Basically controlling the randomness in order to communicate. Very interesting when you look at it really.
My minds then moved on to other such devices. Such as the "Spirit Box". This device rapidly scans through a variety or radio frequencies, not stopping for more than a fraction of a second on each. Having come from the field of electronics and physics I do know that the way a radio works (specifically an FM radio, which is what all these are) is that it attempts to latch onto a signal within the vicinity of the central frequency you are looking for. So if there is a signal on point "A" and you're looking at point "B". As point "B" gets close to point "A" it will lock onto that signal, and will continue to receive it until point "B" has significantly passed point "A". The relevance here being that if there is a signal, you may hear it longer than he normal scanning time if it is strong enough to hold the attention of the "lock". So this devices scans for signals, plays them for a few moments and then moves on. The hope is that spirits can somehow control the signals that are out there and the rate of scan so that words are found at the right time to answer questions. Again controlling the randomness of the signals which are out there.
It seems that a considerable amount of what we do as investigators is to look for control over randomness. Lets move onto something a bit different. Lets look at investigations and why they are at night. There are a variety of reasons, but one of them is because its quieter and they don't want to be seen. And also because it puts us on more equal ground. So often when we "see" a spirits its out of the corner of our eye, or a faint whisp in the darkness which when you add the light of day would simply disappear. Now don't get me wrong there's a vast number of sightings during the day, but a majority of the investigations are always at night. After all, you can't use nightvision during the day

. Night also lends itself to more matrixing, and thus to more randomness and potential control of the randomness.
So much of what we look for as investigators is in looking for evidence that some form of randomness has been controlled in an attempt to communicate with us. Just look at EVP's for instance. There are some EVP's that are obvious, but more often than not its a real struggle to try to hear or make out the pattern or voice within the sound. We have to guess at what its saying, or if in fact its saying anything or whether its just a sound that is similar to a voice. And then the question comes to mind if it is in fact just a sound, and we're hearing a voice is it something controlling the sound or better yet influencing us to hear what it wants heard.
I think as an investigator one of the biggest and prime questions we must ask ourselves is do we believe in Skrying, Seeing, or reading te randomness. If the answer is no, then we must really throw out all the kind of evidence I've mentioned above since it relies on that. But if the answer is yes, then how can we throw out some of the evidence above and keep others. The old saying "in for a penny, in for a pound" holds so true.
If we are to believe that spirits can manipulate the randomness or the way in which we perceive it to form words from impulses, to send words from a radio, to appear in the darkness, to speak through the static or in the mumbles on recordings, to say something through a breath of air. Then why is it not also possible that the spirits are using the randomness of reflected light from dust particles to bring a message into our minds. Is it really so much different. We know the mechanism that creates it, but do we know the message behind it. "In for a penny..."
And with that said, I will now leave you to think about this topic. I welcome your input. And lord knows, I never thought I would find myself arguing a "Pro ORB" stance. Perhaps I just need another cup of coffee...