Wes_Forsythe wrote: I am working up some notes for an article.
I am wondering what those actively involved in paranormal research do for protection - or if they do anything at all.
As a pagan I have certain divine beings I call upon for help along with friends and relatives, and of course, my guides.
Do you give much thought to the possibility of attachments or even coming across something evil? Do you even accept the possibility?
Attachments aren't always evil. Sometimes a ghost wants desperately to convey a message to you. If you aren't listening, sometimes they take drastic measures. Identifying and acting on their concerns will likely release the attachment. Negative entities who attach themselves in order to cause harm and revel in your pain and misery are another thing altogether and much harder to deal with.
Do you actively protect yourself? your team? your family? your equipment?
Of course! I actively smudge my house on a regular basis, for starters. If I have to pull out the big guns, I will, but that rarely ever happens.
Do you take on cases that appear to have a dark side?
I don't always know there's a "dark side" until I'm a good way into a reading. The other day I did a reading where I sensed at different times at a family owned property animal torture and a hanging. The hanging was confirmed but she could only suspect on the animal torture but did say she had a few pets that had mysteriously disappeared. Regardless, if there is someone in need of help, I don't think I would turn them down.
What would you do if you encountered something that could be interpretted as elemental or even demonic?
There have been a couple of occasions where I woke up from intense nightmares and felt the presence of something in my bedroom with me. As I attempted to draw down the white light of protection, I was fought until I brought my cavalry of spirit friends on the other side. Since I started smudging, this hasn't happened again. I have never really felt threatened; I feel like I am very much in control at all times and I believe that helps tremendously.
For that matter what would you do if something followed you home that was just annoying?
I once had the ghost of a kid I went to high school with attached to me from the ages of 16-19. It was annoying at times because I felt him all the time and while he was around my abilities would go haywire. I would wake up in the middle of the night surrounded by murmuring voices like I'd fallen asleep in a train station. Once I figured out what he wanted, it was like a weight off my chest. I honestly haven't heard from him since.
Do you even accept the possibility?
I don't have much of a choice