For years between "ghost hunter" EMF meters have become the main tool. Here they are and some of its qualities.
What is an EMF?
EMF stands for English for "Electromagnetic Field" in Castilian it be "electromagnetic fields". With electric fields exist where there is a difference of electric potential and magnetic fields exist where there are electric currents. And Faraday's law all electrical current generates an electromagnetic field and vice versa.
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There are electromagnetic fields in a thunderstorm, on a computer, a cell in our bodies, we are surrounded by electromagnetic fields differing in frequency, intensity, and so on.
Why measure EMF?
Among the paranormal researchers think that the presence of spiritual entities produce alterations and / or spikes in electromagnetic fields (EMF) hence the importance given to the electromagnetic field measuring devices.
EMF Meters
EMF Meter is the common name given to what would be more correctly magnetometers meters or magnetic flux density, but no further complicating the terminology. These meters consist of a sensor EMF ("common" or triaxial) and give a reading on a scale usually are lights, needles or digital displays. The paranormal research designed to include a visual and audible alarm which reacts to peaks.
The problems
One of the main problems of EMF detectors are sensors. Common sensors are designed to react to frequencies near 50 or 60 Hz, ie frequencies from power lines. This not only makes them more vulnerable to pollution from power cables but will remove sensitivity at other frequencies producing erroneous readings.
This easy: they can show that there is a low-intensity magnetic field when high intensity is indeed "wrong" because the instrument is very sensitive at that frequency. For example, consider the sensitivity of CellSensor (TM) created by Trent Brandon, a classic team of paranormal research.
As we can see the "strong" sensor is between 50 and 1000 Hz which is a rather poor spectrum.
Triaxial Sensors
The cheapest equipment is very directional sensors that take the direction of the EMF in a single "meaning" say, when in fact the field is three dimensional. To solve this in a somewhat more sophisticated equipment used sensors called Triaxial sensors is measured in 3 directions by providing a better reading.
"SUM" function
Meters on the market as the "Natural EMF Meter Trifield" that have a more than interesting. The team has named the "SUM". This will indicate when the electromagnetic flux changes from the background reading. Are these changes just as important when it comes to "ghost hunting"