Gray_Fox wrote: My name is Gustavo I'm from Brazil and work on a hotel, sometimes I work all night long, and every night things happen... One night a heard a snoring like sound from one of the rooms, but it was empty, I got my keys and opened it, nothing there... by the morning I checked it again and the sheets was on the floor, everything messed up... others things happen, like knocking on the doors, doors slaming, things fall from shelves... the cleaning lady saw a shadow figure on a room and she thought that was a guest, but was noone there... right now, while I type I hear footsteps and just heard someone called my name...
I don't know if I should try make contact or just ignore it... but I'm feeling a mix of exctement and fear right now... SOMEONE GIVE SOME TIPS!!!
Are you an intuitive? What I mean is, are you sensitive to spirits? If so, ask them what they want of you and tell them you will help if you are able to.
If you are not an intuitive/sensitive, tell them so; but also tell them that you would like to learn if that's something that interests you.