Hello and Good evening/morning everyone;
Well... What can I say? I guess I finally convinced myself to join this site due to G&H tweets. I was afraid of what people might say about me if I introduced myself. I was never the type of a person to 'socially' expose my self to the world. But when I saw others here, who seemed to have the same or common experiences, it settled my nerves.
Let me start out by introducing myself.
My name is Daniel but I go by Danny by many. My whole life would seem a world of mashed-in of imperfections since I was born kinda deaf and living up without a father. But I know I'm not alone . Now my life, I did have my share of hauntings but for now I'll explain more detailed about myself.
I do not know what to call it, clairvoyance or psychic??
I have began developing this ability to see images or words and without a doubt, a very obnoxious empathic habit towards surroundings. Now when I mean by images or words, they appear in my head...like I do not know how to describe it but I 'see' it in my head. This began 5 years right after my dad passed away when I was 8. I had ignored it or brushed off until high school, it returned and only this time it seemed very persistent. I had done research and I tried to to relate this ability to either clairvoyance or clairsentience but I do not know.
I began telling friends and families of images/words and those visions would pertain to the past or present and occasionally in the future.
One example was an encounter of meeting a stranger introduced through a friend; when I met him, I saw the word 'Arturo' and felt a bad sense and I told him that the word 'Arturo' came in my mind and it was a bad feeling. He was confounded and told me it was his biological father that used to abused him when he was young.
I have lost few friends because of this, assuming I did 'witchcraft' or stereotypical slanders such as 'voodoo'/'wicca'/'devil worshipping'. But to be honest, I did none of that. My whole life, growing up as a Catholic and then became a Christian, (not very strict-religious, very open minded for others) I never once thought this ability was of the negative stuff.
But also because of this, I gained new friends who respected me for who I am, and I occasionally gave readings or answered questions when they're in trouble or stuck. I sort of became a confidante of giving advices and I ALWAYS tell people that the future, regardless if I told them something bad/good nears them, that every individual has the power to change their future.
Along the years, I kept my ability in touch and helped increased awareness by using tarot cards to help me give me an idea occasionally.
I am no fortune-telling wanna-be; I have this urge to help people spiritually and emotionally. I have this moral compassion for others. I dont know what it is but it defines me. I am Danny. I hope by joining this site, I can be well-informed and more educated in this ability that not only me, but others in this world who goes through it. Thanks for reading me.