So I took this image and extracted the EXIF data. When I did I could see that it was taken with a Kodak camera and at a shutter speed of 1/2 second. That is actually very slow in photography terms. And most likely due to low light conditions.
So I saw also the time of day and date it was taken, from that and the angle in the sky I at first summarizer that perhaps what you're looking at here is the planet Mars. And the "Line" pattern is really your hand moving ever so slightly during that 1/2 second. This normally is known as motion blur but when there is only a single dot it appears as a line.
Now upon farther inspection I enhanced the brightness and copped that area so I could bring out the detail. When I did, I found there are actually two dots. And that would make sense. The one being Venus (the brighter one) and the darker red one is Mars. And that time of year they were close together in the sky (Use google skymap).
What a great picture though, I love a good mystery!