Doesn't look bad and is really unsettling also, to make myself CLEAR I AM CHANNELING 24/7 all the time I SEE pictures, I get channels, so please, be wary of that, thank you.
OK so what I channel is:
Careless whispers, moon at night, the orb, howl, of a wolf, of sacred groun, scry, cry, death and delerium, nothing good out of this, we need to run, fight, find the source, take resistance, death, death, sorrow, moon, joy, senses come and go, moving, obstacles, grave, Edward (don't take this it is my thoughts interfering), Crave, monster, monstrocity, atrocity, moving pictures, mather, mother, moth, mother, kings cross, death...
Ok here I stop it is very unsettling, something strong out there. Not good, not evil, but very atrocious, someone died of a horrible death and left an imprint/impact there, really strong voilant death, a runaway from a house, mental asylum maybe.
KK your channeler this was a channel B wise