So folks, I call this "Trail Encounter" because that is exactly what it was. My wife and I were hiking a mountain trail when I was told to stop in this place and photograph it. I wasn't particularly interested in photographing the spot because it wasn't that inspiring.
I went to photograph something else and told the wife that if I was reminded on the way out to photograph the spot again, I would. Well, that's what happened. I took the photograph and what you see are the results. This is actually a scanned image of a photo, not the negative (scanner is in storage).
Anyway, for you sensitives out there, there are faces in this photograph. BTW, I didn't put them there. Lol. I want those of you who are sensitive to tell me what you see as well as you photographers.
This photo was taken with film and is a good reason why I will continue to use film in the future.