

Lions and Tigers and Haunts Oh My

06 Sep 2011 18:16 #1 by crystalcross
In the interim until you can find someone there to help, why don't you try a slightly different approach.
Employ some paranormal psychology 101 on this guy. Since he's resistant to taking commands or following demands, perhaps appealing to some embedded sense of reason may help.

He doesn't have to listen, to hear. And sooner or later something may sink in.

Something to the extent of perhaps:

"Look, I know you don't like what I'm doing, and I don't really like what you're doing but we both live here and like it or not that's the way it is. Now you can continue with what you're doing but its not really getting anywhere and sooner or later it will just wear us both down. So how about we just agree to get along. I'll try to respect you, you respect me. And lets come to some agreements. After all, you should be happy that I can at least communicate with you, make the best of that."

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06 Sep 2011 04:03 #2 by LeslieAValentin
I'm actually reaching out to any team in the area - be they come in from the Joplin area, Tulsa area, or even down from Ft. Smith for help.

This presence will not communicate with me. What I feel like, aside from feeling his emotions and ires, is that he feels the need to dominate me. A big thing that i dont take kindly to from the living or from the dead. However, he was here before I moved in and I'm sure he wants me gone, which will not happen either.

I'm at a standstill for a bit on gettiing White Sage for a cleansing until a few $$ come up to get it. Miss Diana has what I need, I just need to be able to pay for it.

For tonight, at the aid of my friend, she gave me one tablet of her sleep medication so that I can hopefully get through one night without chronic distubances....and am waiting for it to kick in right at the moment.

The old addage you can bring a horse to water but you cant make him drink is applicable here. I can talk to the spirit, try to work with it to find out what it needs or wants but the big problem is this spirit has anger towards women in general. I've not gotten anywhere except for peekaboo session where he gives me partial glances of him, or turns my lights off while i'm using them and to top it off, forcefully grabbing my shoulder or arm while I am sleeping to wake me up. He watches my every move. Two days ago, he pushed my son who will be 20 in December while he was over. My son isn't happy about that either. His words were - if he is shoving me, what is he doing to you that you have not said anything out loud about yet.

I replied to my son that I'm cautious as to who I share full details wth. Partly for my protection since I live here but also because of the lack of communications back from the founder of an area group.

Tresses, thank you for your encouraging words about my abilities but I need help in this situation. This male presence will not give me anything via EVP's taken with my phone, or allow me to "photo" him. Again the problem arises that I'am a woman and not a "strong" man. I need to get a team in here who can help me collect some investigation things and where we can review it together. I need to know who this is...and if there is a reason why he has chosen me. Otherwise its like tring to find a crack in the Hoover Dam without visiual aids to get up close and personal. Last night after I logged off here and laid down, I saw some movement near my son's room. I firmly called out and said ' show yourself and tell me who you are. ..... nothing..... Then I said, do something to show me your hear...... the door got pushed hard to here it made a sound. I told him that I was going to sleep and unless the house was burning down or someone was coming into my home to hurt me (my windows are open due to the temperatures at night) that he needs to leave me be.

I was woke up to find my blanket on the floor away from where I was laying down and he was messing wth my legs and feet. Like he was trying to hold hem in one place. I got really mad and forecfully said DO NOT TOUCH ME UNLESS I GIVE YOU PERMISSION. THIS IS MY SPACE AND UNLESS I INVITE YOU IN TO THAT SPACE YOU DO NOT HAVE THE RIGHT TO TOUCH ME. i retrieved my blanket and went back to sleep. When I got up this morning, the blanket was back in the basket I keep throws and blankets in. I started brewing my coffee, went into the bathroom, and by the time I came out, i had to restart the brew for my coffee. He had turned it off.

These are not all the detals; actually they are only a few of them. But getting back to being exhausted, a friend gave me her sleep aid pill just so I could stay zoned out till morning. I've got my reservations about it but I think unclear when i get exhausted.

I need to know what it is exactly that I'm dealing with.

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05 Sep 2011 23:09 #3 by Tresses Of Nephthys
Oh I know she is! I guess I'm being tongue in cheek about the type of people that would call themselves professional and express such behavior.

Do I think she needs help from a paranormal group? Not really. I believe in Leslie and her abilities! Sorry that she is dealing with less than awesome people though.

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05 Sep 2011 22:58 #4 by crystalcross

One thing to remember is that Leslie is a professional herself. I think the issue here is more one of that this spirit does not respect women, nor does he see them as any source of authority in any way. Living or dead, if someone does not recognize your authority or doesn't even validate you as someone they should listen to, then its like talking to thin air.

I'm thinking what may be required in this situation is a strong male figure, who is also a sensitive to claim the house and talk to him "one-on-one" so to speak. Some people that's all that they will respect. And then perhaps she or whomever is there can help this person to cross.

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05 Sep 2011 22:39 #5 by Tresses Of Nephthys
Leslie! First, long time no see, glad to see you around again!

I agree, whether you can call yourself a professional-anything, it's just a generally nice thing to do to get back to someone asking for your help within a day or two.

If you ask me, the thing to do would be to try to tell him that even though you don't understand his situation that you would like to offer him some help with crossing over if he would like to take it. And keep trying with trying to bring in a "professional" if this doesn't help. Hopefully you will find someone who can help you out.

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05 Sep 2011 20:57 #6 by LeslieAValentin
As Roy D. Mercer would say, "What we have here is a failure to communicate." And, thus far, its quite frustrating at this time.

Some of you who know me know that I moved into an apartment almost a year ago. It wasn't long before I noticed a presence here. Over the course of almost a year now, several folks have had "experiences" here at my apartment, including me. Lately, of which, has become a physical experience as well by being touched, grabbed, and pushed.

I put out a contact to an area group that I once accompanied on an investigation back in Dec. of 2008. Being that I know the group founder, and we live about 15 minutes from each other, give or take, I sent him an email asking for him to call me due to what has been happening here. As of this time, there has been no reply from the group or him. This leaves me quite discouraged since when I get calls to come in as a Sensitive and Empath, I respond within 24 hours... its a courtesy as well as a "professional" thing to do. While being an investigator or Sensitive is not a "profession" in the eyes of the academic world per say, there is still a respect given when you respond in a timely manner.

I feel like I'm at an impasse. I know that this spirit is male. I have had glimpses of him, and from the few seconds here or there that I have seen him, or that he's "shown" himself to me, this is an old soul - time wise. I suspect that since I'm female, whoever this is, does not place women in a status of talking to or acknowledging. But, he has made himself known in the aspect of acts that are no longer "comfortable".

I cannot easily research the history of this property since it is owned by a corporation and it is an apartment complex. And, like many places, this area is laden with history: I live only a couple miles from a part of the Trail of Tears, and this area was farmland for a long time but had Confederate as well as Union Troops around here. And with the apartment complex itself, I am aware of only what management told me when I moved in - that a man had died in one of the apartments but being that they were new management a year ago, were unable to tell me legally or otherwise which apartment it was.

But as for now, I'm simply frustrated and am still in need of help. I lack the actual equipment to do EVP's, etc. So if any of you are near my area or feel like doing a road trip to "visit" and "investigate", I'd appreciate a holler.


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