

Not sure what to think of this dream?

25 Nov 2012 14:16 #1 by aryo-writer
Hello.. I saw all your story... That's good story for me.. One thing you should do before continue your investigate... U need a shield from accident or ambush in your investigate... Like amulet or something like that.. Believe it or not... U need it, because you facing something you can't see and touch, but they can see, touch and hurt you... Contact me if you want some... I'll give you some free.. But it will be useless if u not believe...

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05 Sep 2012 21:35 #2 by Samantha
LOL believe it or not with the gargoyle dream I really did think there was a movie about it at one point. But the only gargoyle movie I've seen is on the scyfy channel and it didn't work out anything like what my dream did lmao.

and also, if it's protecting some kind of deep secret what is it? will I ever find out? I have that dream once or twice a year. I don't know why I wanted to go into that church building thing, but I did and I was exploring around it...maybe I got too close to something I wasn't supposed to find

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05 Sep 2012 21:16 #3 by Tresses Of Nephthys

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05 Sep 2012 20:35 #4 by spookydave
Dream 1 - pitch that one to some Hollywood producers coz that is truly squeaky bum terrifying time.

Dream 2 - pitch this one to the script writers of Doctor Who, Gargoyles on the rampage, they would love it.

That probably wasn't any help at all was it? :)

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04 Sep 2012 23:30 #5 by Tresses Of Nephthys
Gargoyles are placed on buildings as a way to ward off evil of warding off evil spirits, for one thing. Mythical creatures in dreams are guardians of something. A treasure deep and buried. Some type of secret or hidden part of yourself.

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04 Sep 2012 21:11 #6 by Samantha
I also have another question, what would a recurring Gargoyle dream mean? I've had this dream since I was 10 years old. The same thing always happens I go into this abandoned building with people I've never met or seen in my life. This building kind of resembles a church in a way but there are gargoyles everywhere, inside and outside. And The floors are rotted through in someplace and I remember looking into one of these holes and seeing that if I was to fall in it I would fall 6 stories down before reaching the bottom. At a certain point the Gargoyles all come to life and start chasing me and these other people. I know when I wake up from this dream that I always feel like something is in the room with me and it doesn't feel good, it feels like something nasty is trying to get to me, at first I thought I was crazy but over the years when I've had this same dream, I always feel the same way when I wake up.

I don't know much of my mom's side of the family but I do know they're all believers in the paranormal and some of them are sensitives. I know I'm a believer, I've had too many things happen to me my whole life to sit there and say it's not real, but as for the sensitive part, no disrespect, but I am kind of skeptical about that.

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04 Sep 2012 20:52 #7 by Samantha
Thank you for your help! I am familiar with smudging and I will definitely do this. It's getting to the point now that I can feel this entity around, like if I walk into a certain room or space it feels different and not in a good way. I think whatever this is, has been here way before I moved in with my fiance. He told me about something that happened to him it kind of resembled sleep paralysis but he wasn't sleeping he was watching tv and felt like he was being choked out. He pounded on the wall and as soon as his mom walked in, whatever it was let him go. I think I stirred whatever is here up with leaving the audio running and catching all the voices I catch on a regular basis. I feel like this entity didn't like what I said to it or about it.

Now, when I do the smudging, do I have to say anything? Or do I just do as you said?

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04 Sep 2012 00:18 #8 by Tresses Of Nephthys
To me, I don't think this is a regular dream. It doesn't really have the strong symbolism that normal dreams or nightmares have, nor do I think this is a spirit visitation. Sometimes these dreams can be caused by a negative entity who is trying to cause trouble, or sometimes if there is a lot of negative energy built up in a house (if there is a lot of constant arguing going on or mental illness this can easily be caused by the living).

I'm not sure if you are familiar with smudging--using smoldering dried white sage to clear negative energy from spaces...? If you aren't familiar, google it or feel free to ask.

Anyway, you are going to want to smudge your entire house, bottom to top, in every nook and cranny of the house. Try to do this once a week, especially concentrating in your bedroom and your side of the bed. When doing this, keep a neutral or positive attitude. It's important to be confident in what you're doing. In your mind, keep the thought that this is your space and you will not allow negative energy to remain in the house.

If you have any questions at all, please don't be afraid to ask.
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03 Sep 2012 23:24 #9 by Samantha
I Woke up terrified of the dream I had about a girl that died. I saw her in a baseball field. She had long dark hair, huge blue eyes and she was wearing a white nightgown...In my dream I made friends with this girl. Then, something bad took her soul and kept her somewhere in the house then possessed another man. This other man killed himself and the thing passed into the dead girls old boyfriend that was still mourning over her death. The boy tried to kill me and mocked me after I stabbed him. He started cutting himself up pulling the skin up laughing at me showing me that it didn't hurt and slit his throat I started running. Woke up crying went to the bathroom splashed water on my face, I just got a feeling and something told me to look in the door way and I saw a shadow bolt right passed the door it looked like the shadow I saw at my brother in laws house. I don't know if its the girl trying to tell me help her or if its whatever the dog was whelping about telling me to bud out. I just know to this day, I'm scared. I've NEVER had this happen until I started talking about looking up the history of that house. This happened almost 3 months ago and I still remember it clear as day.

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