

A bad experience... any clues on what went down?

30 Jan 2012 00:00 #11 by AmberDawn
I have heard that before. And I think that it has lined up with my losses over the years. That night was the only exception.

My Papa (grandpa) passed away in September last year. I was fortunate enough to see him the day before, he was having a good day. Almost every member of my family has passed away battling cancer. So a good day is always a bonus.

The next day mom said not to come over. To do our thing that day since we came down for the weekend to see him. Natually, I was so upset. I just knew. My boyfriend did his best to cheer me a bit. So, we left for home shortly after.(After he took me to the bug zoo. Yes, I am super scared of spiders and he took me there LOL)
Anyways...We were in the car I remember smelling roses all of a sudden. It was brief, but it felt calming to me. About 45 mins later my mom called my cell phone and said that had passed away about 45 mins ago. :(

Usually before someone passes away, family memembers. Even if I don't know something is wrong, or their sick.... I am inconsolable for that day. I get so depressed that day, I am crying so much, won't eat nothing. It is horrible. Every time someone has passed away, before it happens or before i find out. It is like I am grieving before hand. All my life, I have known something bad is going to happen. Not just death, but other things too. I keep an eye on my gut feelins, they have never steered me wrong yet.

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29 Jan 2012 23:39 #12 by Peek-A-Boo
Some people believe that when someone dies close to you you start to smell roses

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29 Jan 2012 23:33 #13 by AmberDawn
LOL I am a neat freak now but I think I just didn't know what else to do. I wasn't thinking clearly. If I happened now, I would have probably ran the hell right out there.

This is the only time it happened, thank god. I looked up a bit on the whole puberty energy thing, and it could have been just that. I am hoping. Just glad it was years ago and not the other day.

What I remember is the smell started first. Then within 15 or so seconds of me waking up it got crazy.

I have smelled roses before. In various places, where there were no actually roses or flowers around.

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29 Jan 2012 23:28 #14 by rach411
Lol I was thinking the same thing! Screw the mess haha

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29 Jan 2012 23:22 #15 by Peek-A-Boo
The smell of Roses is odor of sanctity, according to the Catholic Church. I have read that it is common to those praying to Padre Pio. It emanates from the bodies of Saints.
I was very surprised that you smelled it and then what followed was not at all Saintly in nature.
You are a brave one or a neat freak, I would of run like hell and left the mess.
Was this the only time something like this happened to you?

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29 Jan 2012 23:19 #16 by rach411
Wow! That sounds extremely scary! But I definitely wouldn't say that was sleep paralysis, since you weren't asleep when everything went down. I really have no idea what that could of been that happened but I assume that it wasn't just your imagination. I don't know much about the paranormal either so I cant really give you any advice but my assumption is that what ever it was, was either angry or trying to make a point.. maybe even just passing by and decided to mess with you. Another thing that I have heard about though is poltergeist activity that usually happens to people who are going through a lot in there life or big changes physically such as puberty.. I don't know if you were around that age when puberty started but I hear that people can build up enough energy, so to speak that things like that can happen. Maybe doing some research on that may help..

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29 Jan 2012 23:08 #17 by AmberDawn
Ok, I am sorry for writing again. I am hoping that I am not bothering anyone. It is just since I have been reading so much of other peoples experiences and advice that I feel truely comfortable to open up.

Now before I say anything. I have done a fair amount of research on sleep paralysis and it doesn't fit to what happened that night.

So I was in my early teens, 14-15. I know alot seemed to happen when I was around that age. When I went to bed that night, I would leave the door open a crack. I don't like sleeping with a closed door, I can't handle being completely closed off from everything. Now I sleep with it wide open.

I was asleep, this much I know. Then I woke up to the smell of something. It took me a bit to recognize the smell of roses. I sat up a bit and looked into the room. All of a sudden, my magazines and books came flying off the first shelf of my bookcase. They landed about 3 or feet away from the bookcase in the middle of the floor. It looked like someone just put their arm out and swipped everything off the shelf.

The door shut. I was still in bed. I thought maybe my parents shut my door... though why would they. It was like in the time the door shut, the room got heavy. Like the air was thick and cool. I got shoved back down on my back. At this point I couldn't scream. Something had me pinned down. I was kicking my legs and moving my head back and forth. I couldn't move my arms too much, they went above my head when i got shoved back. I felt something so heavy along my whole body. I felt like it was mad at me. It lasted for about a minute. Whatever the hell it was, the weight slowly moved down my body then it was off. But I couldn't scream, nothing would come out. Then the light switched on and the door opened.

I was in shock. After a few minutes. I got out of bed, and put everything back on the shelf then I went out to my parents. They were in the living room watching tv. They asked what was wrong, I was so pale. I asked if they shut my door. My mom said no, neither of them have been up for quite a while. She asked again whats wrong. i told her i had a bad dreams is all.

I don't remember much about the rest of the night. I never told her what happened. I havent told anyone. Nothing has ever happened again, like that all.

This was one of the first experiences that I can recall of any interaction, anything to do with the other side.

Any ideas on what the hec that was? Don't hold back, because when I think back on this I do feel crazy a bit. It was like a messed up movie playing before my eyes.

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