


04 Feb 2012 23:13 #1 by mindfelt
Replied by mindfelt on topic Re: dreams
I definitely heard of these things happening. I have had my experiences that would literally freak me out. But, now I know it okay and was for a reason.

I usually have Déjà vu moments almost monthly. I would be somewhere or doing something and I'm standing there thinking or saying to myself, I've done this before the exact same way.

I sometimes have Déjà vu dreams. Not nearly as much as the moments I tend to have every month, but when I do have them they relate to very significant moments and events that occurred. When I do have these dreams, they usually propel me to take action.

I feel journaling helped me sort out some of these experiences that I have had. Maybe try that out to see. Thank you for sharing your experience with us.

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02 Feb 2012 02:04 #2 by Tresses Of Nephthys
Replied by Tresses Of Nephthys on topic Re: dreams
The important thing to remember when you have had these experiences of having dreams where you've predicted a loved one's passing is not to feel guilty. There is nothing you could have done. We are all meant to go when we are meant to go. There are very few instances where people have crossed over and come back (NDE). These dreams are a way to prepare us for when the time does come.

I'm going to share the two dreams like this I've had. They weren't of loved ones dying thankfully. They were of major world events.

In 1993 when the world's eyes were on the Waco Compound and their leader David Koresh, I was a little girl in middle school. One night I had a dream that I was in a dark room surrounded by televisions. I was sitting in something like a swivel chair. The chair would turn and face a television, and when it did, the tv popped on and would show the image of the compound burning, then a reporter would come on and say, "David Koresh has died." The chair would turn again and face another tv and did the same thing, over and over until I woke up believing that this event had already happened. A week later, watching TV, the same image came up on my television and the announcement was made that it was believed that David Koresh had died. First I thought why are they playing this now? This happened last week! It took me a few minutes to realize what had happened.

The second dream, and I even hesitate to call it a dream because in my memory this really happened, so I will tell it like that. One night I woke up in the middle of the night and went to the kitchen for something to drink, and my mother was standing there with a worried look on her face sipping out of a mug. She told me to say a prayer for Princess Diana because she was in a horrible car accident and they didn't think she was going to survive. I was not sure why my mother was so worried about this since I can't remember her ever having any kind of affection for Princess Di, but I did go back to bed and think about the princess. When I woke up later (for real) it was all over the news about the accident and that the princess had passed. I said something like, that's too bad, I was hoping she'd survive her accident. My mom had no clue what I was talking about, didn't know how I would have known since apparently this had just come on the news. I "reminded" her that she'd told me this when I came out to the kitchen in the middle of the night. She informed me that no such thing had happened.

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02 Feb 2012 01:42 #3 by AmberDawn
Replied by AmberDawn on topic Re: dreams
I have had this type of dream for years now. More like a nightmare it feels like. I see this dark, not a shadow per say, but a dark mass coming towards me. It usually happens if I am walking around somewhere in my dream, but I always end up almost running back home. The black mass thing turns into, I would say shadow people, there has been up to four or five of them coming from all angles, cutting off any excape route and chasing me. They end up standing outside of the front door. No matter how hard I try I cannot lock the door. It just won't lock, or the door will not close properly.

Last night, it also had a freaky part to it. I was walking on a frozen lake, it had snow on it and there were others walking. I noticed that at one point the ice was melting and it was getting slushy. I looked around but all around me it was slushy. I took a step forward then I fell through. I thought I was drowning, but I could breathe. I kept falling down, then I got shot out (litterly, think of a waterslide) of the side of the lake and down a waterfall. It got a little fuzzy, but I remember seeing this dark mass on the left side of the water, just on the land.
Somehow I got back to our apartment. I was inside the hallway looking out towards the front door. The space at the bottom of the door and the floor was I would say about 4 inches. So looking at the space, the bottom of the door had this wispy look. Like it was alive, moving all over. Kind of like smoke but it wouldn't leave the bottom of the door. Then this person came up to our door, but I could see through the door sort of and it wasn't human, like a creature/alien. It was sort of glowing. I looked down and I could see the feet, they were in white and red soul shoes. I even thought that was wierd in my dream. Just standing there, smiling evily at me.
Ach, I don't like these dreams. So, I am not too sure on what the hec to make out of these. But last nights really got to me, the scared/creeped out feeling has not left me. I pray everynight and ask for protection also in my dreams.

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29 Jan 2012 23:59 #4 by cabanagrl
Replied by cabanagrl on topic Re: dreams
Thank you so much. I started a journal but I end up writing in it later. And ill call my mom or tell my husband.
I'm going to try to see if I can get myself to remember my dreams better. I had some idea how maybe but need direction. Its a little nerve racking to get yelled at from my deceased grandma who I know from time to time, does come around.
I have one dream/experience that will forever stick with me. In 2010, I had a dream my dad passed away. I woke up and was depressed for weeks. A month later, he was diagnosed with stage 4 esophageal cancer. He passed away in Sept of last year. It weighs on me at times, I think because we were 2.5 hours away the night he died. I just missed the hospital pronouncing him dead but stayed with him til 330 that day. I haven't told too many people. After he passed he has been around and I have dreamt of him. I test drove a car and liked it. Well, I knew it wasn't a good deal and he let me know, along with a good friend of my husbands that just passed away. He was the car guy. Another has to do with him telling me a friend was picking me up at 11:00 from a party that night. I haven't figured out what 11:00.
Another experience that sticks with me is when my dads father passed away. I was on college, it happened at 1145. I just felt this sense of sorrow and knew he was gone. I wasn't close to my grandfather but saw him many times before I left for school that year. I also knew when my maternal grandmother was declining. I was at work and knew I needed to go to my mom. Couldn't find anyone to let me leave work early. I was really close to her. She wasn't always the nicest but she was my grandma.

I know its a lot to read but I feel like I need to get it out.

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29 Jan 2012 15:16 #5 by kirlybab
Replied by kirlybab on topic Re: dreams
I have a recurring dream that I have yet to decipher completely. I have described it in my blog.

Dreams are our conscious mind getting out of the way of our subconsious to let us experience whatever we need to learn to continue on our journey in this incarnation. We learn different things in each incarnation we have, until we achieve spiritual awakening when we will move on to the next level and begin to guide others on their paths.

I keep a dream journal, though I don't do it quite the way it is suggested. I do not record everything upon awakening, but rather record what I remember when I get the chance to write it. I also write in this journal my meditational journeys. It is sometimes amazing on how tthe two correlate to teach me something I need to deal with my current life situations, or understanding of something I am trying to learn.

There are many good sites and books on dream interpretation. One of these days, I'm going to record in my blog on here all the books I have on the metaphysical/supernatural as well as the sites that I rely on most often.

I wish you bright blessings on your continued path.
The following user(s) said Thank You: cabanagrl

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29 Jan 2012 15:11 #6 by crystalcross
Replied by crystalcross on topic Re: dreams
Cabana (interesting name by the way),

The thing about a Déjà vu dream is that you don't know it is one until it happens, as was mentioned. That is why it becomes ever more important to keep a dream journal, especially in cases like this.

Such a journal has several effects. For one it lets you remember details that you may forget as time goes on. Events (and dreams) are always freshest in our mind and most "Crisp" right after they happen. As time goes on we remember the events, and we remember generalizations but we fill in the "Color" or details with other details at times. So its best to record your dream in as vivid a detail as you can right as you wake.

The second thing that serves is that it will allow you to make certain that what you remember of the dream precisely matches the details when the Déjà vu event actually happens. It serves as a bit of a check and balance and marker for accuracy. (The scientist in me talking here) It will also work towards proof that you had a Déjà vu dream.

One thing that happens sometimes and is the case in some Déjà vu events, is that our mind re-interprets a dream memory to fit an experienced or learned event. This is when the Déjà vu moment comes into play. Basically our mind mistakenly fires a link to a dream and fills in the blanks. Keeping a dream journal will allow you to verify that its an actual Déjà vu dream, and not something else.

One thing that a smart sensitive once told me about dreams. And that is before you go to sleep consciously tell yourself to remember your dream. And command yourself to remember it vividly. Do that before you go to sleep. And then have a voice recorder near you so that when you wake you can record all the details of your dreams.

I'm so glad you decided to share with us. Its really good to see that this place is more and more becoming a sanctuary.

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29 Jan 2012 06:13 #7 by RXRom
Replied by RXRom on topic Re: dreams
I know what you mean Cabanagrl. Its hard for me to pinpoint a dejavu dream and pickup on whats really happening. I remember dreams just not the dejavu dreams until it actually happens. Only once I had a dream that told me my beloved dog knuckles was very sick. Although I tried my best to save my best friend. He ended up passing away. I have learned to accept it wasn't my fault but with my love I did everything I could for my best friend. So you and I will be looking together how we can remember these dreams and maybe help whoever that may be in need. even ourselves. :)

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29 Jan 2012 05:56 #8 by cabanagrl
Replied by cabanagrl on topic Re: dreams
These are just some of things I'm experiencing.

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29 Jan 2012 05:49 #9 by cabanagrl
dreams was created by cabanagrl
I've been lurking for a while thanks to Twitter. I'm a little afraid to share but I realize I'm not the only one going experiencing things. Since I was younger, I've had dreams that end up being deja vue and people that have past on communicate with me. For instance, I'm the genealogy person in the family. And when I finally got a lead on my maternal grandfather, my maternal grandma, his wife appeared to me in my dream yelling at me. Another dream I had recently was after someone I knew had past away and no cause of death was stated. I was told in my dream it was suicide. I recently just found out the gentleman had indeed comitted suicide. Funny thing is, I woke myself up yelling omg it was suicide. I have wierd dreams but its something I've learned to deal with. I also can tell when something is wrong with someone but I usually don't know who or what. I have been able to pinpoint it in a few occasions.
Thanks for listening and some insight if any would be great.

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