

Shadow man at best buy and black crow at K-mart

09 Jan 2012 05:55 #1 by zeptember
Tresses I heard of them little people but the ones I heard of was when I was with my ex we lived on the Yakima Indian Reservation as he is Yakima, he's ma told me the story of the Stick people who are in the woods there, and when your alone you will hear your name called but be warned never follow the calling that is when they take you..I did research on them and so many people hunters have heard there names called but fear to answer and run away, they can be like trees and just come out and get you, now that is scary when I was in the woods there with the family camping..I didn't think of the astral part you mentioned but now I think about it maybe for some freak second we crossed paths..but it was an odd thing..thanks like your info as well :)

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09 Jan 2012 05:49 #2 by zeptember
Karma that is interesting animal I feel the same when I am talking with the bears I just try and remember what they say and try and follow..keep dreaming good:)

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09 Jan 2012 05:47 #3 by zeptember
Hi Leslie,
Thank you for the info it makes allot of scene to me, ever since I was small I dreamed of bears, but this last dream a few years ago I really can't forget it, I was in my grandma's house and I was looking out the window and there was the brown bear he walked up open the gate and then ran to the front door, I looked around and all was gone so I sat on my grandma's bed and it came in the room a nd I was looking at it and it spoke I was in shock all I can remember it saying was don't be afraid of me I am taking care of you and if you need me I am here that's all you need to know, I tried to talk back to him but he turned around and went outside and back to the street and that is when I awoke..I also had one where I was taking a train ride into Alaska and we stopped I got off to walk around and when I turned back there was a beautiful white bear so big all is said was hello angela we love you and then it went back in to the woods,,it was a peaceful dream that one,,about the crow thank you, I do have strong feelings of my intuitions when I meet someone or might have to go out somewhere I just say I better stay home,,but I really like your info thank you and all of you for your stories I love them as well..
The following user(s) said Thank You: LeslieAValentin

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09 Jan 2012 04:55 #4 by LeslieAValentin
Hi Angelina,

I'm not sure really how to advise you on the shadow figure you saw at the store. However, I can give you some information about the Bear, which is most likely your animal totem.

First, to understand bears a little. While they have been known to eat meat, they also include fruits and plants into their diet. They are strong, are fast in pace and yet are very playful even though they can be assertive in their strength when needed and are protective of family.

To have a Bear as a totem, or as your "guide" or "spirit", they are an educator on how to be vigilant of how to take care of oneself. By their diets you might see with them reminds you to nourish your body with healthy foods and not waste. By their hibernation, they teach you to make sure you have proper rest each night and to take time for yourself to regroup. They also task you to look deep into your mind through the subconscious so you can come to your full potential. And finally, they remind you that there is a time for work and a time for play and a time to protect, and to not cross the lines between each.

If you saw a crow in "spirit" or "shadow", that at least in Native American beliefs is a powerful omen to receive as they "know all and see all". They instill justice and teach you to trust your intuition and keep your integrity in tact. They also are able to recognize any danger or warnings and caution you keep your beliefs true and compare those beliefs to the rest of the universal belief systems. They also remind you the correct path to walk - remembering what you were taught of what is good and what is bad - morally, ethically, spiritually, and physically; to be watchful of your judgments of others, and to carefully weigh your opinions and actions before acting or speaking on them. Crows are also an omen of change and they have no sense of time and space. They are there to live. They are able to see past, the future and the present together and not as different dimensions. They unite the good and bad; the dark and the light. They are survivors and remind you that nothing is too staggering to overcome.

I hope this insight will allow you to evaluate what is going on in your life and help lead you to what you are meant to be doing.

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09 Jan 2012 04:34 #5 by Karmastrophic
I feel very strongly connected to the fox, and believe it is one of my spirit animals - the primary one (the other two being the cougar and a white & black speckled peregrine falcon). I even felt compelled to have a fox tattooed on the back of my right shoulder.

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09 Jan 2012 04:18 #6 by poptart
I often talk to foxes in my dreams. particularly this one who is older. his whiskers are thicker and longer around his snout so it almost looks like he has a mustache. :) what are the bears saying? some of the best advice i've ever gotten have been from "grandpa fox"

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09 Jan 2012 02:19 #7 by Tresses Of Nephthys
The last part about the dreams with the bears is pretty cute. Could be some type of spirit animal of yours. Crows have long been seen as a harbinger of death, though how true that is, I don't know. I have crows in my yard all the time and am not afraid of them. Astral crows though, that would probably startle me more. As for the shadow being, well that's plain unusual to see/hear something like that out in public during the day. If you want my honest, though strange opinion, I think you may have seen another astral creature, one that would exist there but not here. Though it makes me wonder about little people ghosts. You always here people talking about diminutive ghosts as the child-like thing or some type of demon when no one seems to count little people as an option.

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08 Jan 2012 20:56 #8 by zeptember
Ok I so have to tell my story of this it might be on my blog not sure but it was strangest thing to happen to me in Best buy back in 2000 in Union Gap, Wa when Iwas with my ex..well we went into Best Buy to get CD's and Movies and I went my way he went his and when I went to the CD's I was along and as God as my witness I was minding my own business browsing I seen what I thought was a man next to me I turned looking down but when I did I seen it come right by my right arm like a little kid would but this was no kid it was kind of hunched over and all black and I looked at it and it growled and it was walking into me as I seen it and I let out a small yell no one heard but my ex and he was on the other side he came over and asked me what happen I did tell him cause he was almost the same as me, he is of Native Yakima, so he told me it was something dark but not sure why it was int he Best Buy but that was a creepy day at best buy, had anyone had that happen to them...ok here I am in the K-Mart parking lot with my grandma before she died back in 2009 it was summer and we were walking in the parkinglot to the main doors, no one is sight, I was holding her hand and all of a sudden I see a big bird shadow so I thought ok the bird is over us better not poop, I looked up nothing but I can see the shadow and my grandma could not, so I walked along and all of sudden I hear a loud screech I turned around nothing saw the bird shadow and this time I turned to my left looked up and this big black crow was dodging right at me, I ducked and saw it go under a car I looked for it right away and there was no sight of the bird I looked everywhere cars up at the lights the K-mart building my grandma thought i went bonkers I told her and she said I did not see anything..so I just ignored it and when we came out there were no birds or any animals around...has anyone had a animal dogge at them? then I have strange dreams where Bears talk to me no other animals do but just Bears and I am hahving converstions with a Bear,,haha..I have to get out more..thought I'd share.. :kiss:

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