

Haunted or Demonic Presence

13 Aug 2011 05:05 #1 by gnhadmin

Viscara wrote: I'm new here so please forgive me if I'm not detailed enough.

Okay. I'm 29. I've been followed by 'something' since I was little. It has haunted me my entire life. About 8 years became a practicing witch, normally working with black magic. Yes I was aware of the repercussions and everything, but I did it anyway. Well, I stopped about 5 years ago and the 'thing' that has been haunting me has gotten worse. Before I had stopped practicing, I would experience physical attacks and spiritual attacks often. It all stopped for a good 3 or 4 years. Well, now it's back and in full force. It's effecting my health now majorly. I've had friends tell me different things, but the one thing that they all seem to agree upon that this is a demon. I've commanded it to tell me it's name and the only thing I hear is laughter. I know I sound crazy and all, but I need some suggestions here or something. I can't keep this up much longer.

Lesser ritual of Banishment (pentagram) it is on google btw (and yes I know what some of you think, stop, I AM a Ceremonial, I know what I'm talking about PLUS am a DRUID, so yeah whatever you say makes little sense to me if you think it is wrong - fair dues, but let others decide for themselves, fair warnings here) so yeah Banishment by laughter is one, keep yourself relaxed too, try not to tense up, or anything. Also Demon? Hardly anything as close as to an annoying spirit, but hm it does seem like it broke lose from maybe the second, 5th, 7th ring, a liar I bet, (I had one of those) Also ... Black Magick????? really?! ok fair dues, now listen, all you gotta do, is - repent, repent, repent, for that BM you did *you know best how, ask your heart* Also, Banishment by laughter, remember that! so yeah, next? Just do this, light a candle for yourself put it near bed, on a piece of paper, that is one thing, now draw a sigil, of any kind (I'd advise jupiter, but in this case Mars and Mercury would be appropriate, not to mention Neptune would HELP A LOT) so yeah decieve the "demon" riiight, and yeah hmm, his name is... smean...mean...mana...manato...manitou? manitoba? Manas... Ghost of Mana... Spirit of Manahu... Manto...Man To Ba... Manitoba... hmm ok my reading on the little b..trd is a bit flakey, he cloaks well. Sinster, long pointy teeth, evil grin, greeen flamed eyes, and black sharklike skin... seems primordial, actually kind of a thing resembling a RakShasa, are you anywhere near being an Indian? or did you piss off anyone being indian... Kalima....Kali... goddess Kali ok... Kara.... hmmm seems as if it was an attack from an old enemy of mine/yours... some Black Mage sends his familiar, it is a Fish Folk, Mer Folk? yes, might be, or it is a BLACK Rakshassa... one of the two... deva.... devas, indeed an asian demon huh? you were actually right, wow, impressed here heh! hmm ok... so now how to get rid of those? Call upon the Supreme Lord, straight up, Arjuna and Krishna COULD help, but you really want the SL to do it, the LORD MIGHTY SAVIOR. Concecrate something, sacrifice something close to your heart that you don't need but can't let go and love dearly but can't have anymore. Only then it MIGHT let go... plus get ready for a long fight. Also listen now... you do... or you don't do... this is how it works, you NEED TO put up A STAND. Really you either fight for yourself, or you're "Bantha Fodder" really no one will help you as much as you can help yourself. Spoken by a Ceremonial White Magi (formerly Chaos Magi aspirations) and also listen here, the deal is I can help, but you listen to me, no wait, you listen to YOURSELF ONLY. You take, whatever I say, digest and pick what is best for you, only that, I am not messing with your free will. Also guys? I think we should be asigning ONE by ONE person to each plea for help, proves easier and people don't get on their own nerves all of a sudden.

KK enjoying himself with a mamba gum :)

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13 Aug 2011 03:41 #2 by searchursoul
ALot of times we haunt ourselves. This would be my advice to you is clear out your closets (spiritually speaking) if you have anger, resentments or anything negative built up inside of you they can have a tendency to manifest themselves into things that seem demon like. However if you have dug deep and still find that you have no "skeletons in your closet" than I would suggest getting help from someone you believe in, whether it be a preist or what have you. Also I'm sure you have opened up a door with practicing black magic. There must be a reverse spell for something of that nature. Just a suggestion. Good luck. Stay in the light.

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30 Jul 2011 08:17 #3 by Emmy8076

I have a similar problem and am trying to get rid of it. Mine is definitely evil, I feel as if it is a demon, have only seen it once, I get attacked as well and it is scary. I've not asked its name yet but I would like to do an EVP session and see if I can find out who or what it is and what it wants. Mine has followed and attacked me for nearly 13 years, if you find a way to get rid of yours, I beg of you to please tell me how you did it!! Maybe it would work for me. Good luck to you and hope to hear that its gone very soon!


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18 Jul 2011 23:42 #4 by Viscara
No I stopped doing all that years ago. I don't even have so much as sage in my house anymore, which I might need to get some.

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18 Jul 2011 22:55 #5 by undertaker1
We can and have helped people here as well. There are a few of us with abilities that may be of assistance to you but having a person in home would be best. The first thing you must do is find out why it is attached to you. As tress said may be past life attachment but it is important that you find out. Also if you are doing anything that is calling or provoking this, such as black magic or satanic things then you have more than opened up a whole world of things. If you are please stop because it will get worse. I have been reding up on demons and demonolgy and this if it truely is a demon is something you will have to get some serious help with. So first of all see if you can get some help from a paranormal group to see if they can pinpoint what it is that you are dealing with. They can usually steer you in the right direction.

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18 Jul 2011 22:22 #6 by Viscara
Okay, Well I live in South Eastern Kentucky, Corbin to be exact and trust me, any help will be good help at this point.

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18 Jul 2011 21:31 #7 by crystalcross
I've taken the liberty to contact a paranormal group in your general area and asked them to chime in on this Forum or perhaps send you a private message on here. My suggestion would be to get some assistance with this with someone in your area who has experience with demons or inhuman entities.

We've got many great agencies represented here, and I think we can probably find you some help among them. It would likely be good if you could share what area of the country you live in. Such as North Florida, South West New York, etc.

I know you've been dealing with this for some time, but hold in there its important that you keep your spirits up and stay strong.

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18 Jul 2011 21:28 #8 by Viscara
I had honestly not even thought of that to be honest. I know that from a previous past life reading that it said I had to break the cycle of Anger that had surrounded me in past lives, but I never thought about this thing actually being someone I hurt. As I said, these 'friends' that have said it's a demonic presence have probably not even thought about that possibility too. So I will do what you said. Definitely. If it keeps me from getting hurt and the rest of my family. If it turns out other wise, please direct me to someone who's a little more knowledgable about that kinda thing.

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18 Jul 2011 20:56 #9 by Tresses Of Nephthys
This very well could be something that has followed you from a previous life. This is something I've been writing about a lot lately.

Now a true story from me: When I was younger and my little brother was a baby, he used to have this thing about putting his hand over my mouth. I used to freak out over it. I couldn't pinpoint why I hated this so much other than that it was a little gross toddler hand on my mouth lol, but then I started to get flashes of being smothered. Years later, I realized, after many years of feeling that there was one friend that even when she wasn't in my life, I thought about her all the time, and when she was back in my life, I couldn't get out of my head that I needed some kind of information out of her, that it was going to solve some mystical "problem." I realized that it was her in a former life that murdered me. Since then, the cycle has been broken, and I don't really talk to her anymore, nevermind feel this desperate craving to have her in my life.

It could be (if this is indeed someone who traveled through lifetimes to stay with you) that you did something bad to this person, and they are seeking revenge. So do what you would do in this life if someone was angry with you: ask them to forgive you and ask if you may help them cross over to the otherside. Call upon your army reserves on the otherside (you must have people you know that have crossed over) to surround you and protect you.

If it is a demon, well, I don't have experience with that. I've never been attacked by anything physically. I would like to think this is because nothing DARES attack me lol. Start eating well, take your vitamins, try not to drink, definitely don't do drugs, keep that aura nice and healthy. That, like your skin, is your first line of defense no matter WHAT you are dealing with! And do not TAUNT anything, that never ends well! Good luck!

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18 Jul 2011 20:21 #10 by Viscara
I'm new here so please forgive me if I'm not detailed enough.

Okay. I'm 29. I've been followed by 'something' since I was little. It has haunted me my entire life. About 8 years became a practicing witch, normally working with black magic. Yes I was aware of the repercussions and everything, but I did it anyway. Well, I stopped about 5 years ago and the 'thing' that has been haunting me has gotten worse. Before I had stopped practicing, I would experience physical attacks and spiritual attacks often. It all stopped for a good 3 or 4 years. Well, now it's back and in full force. It's effecting my health now majorly. I've had friends tell me different things, but the one thing that they all seem to agree upon that this is a demon. I've commanded it to tell me it's name and the only thing I hear is laughter. I know I sound crazy and all, but I need some suggestions here or something. I can't keep this up much longer.

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