

Ghosts. Are they confined to one place?

14 Jan 2012 16:13 #1 by Peek-A-Boo
"Types Of Hauntings:

First let’s define what a haunting is:

A haunting is the act of a person or thing that haunts; visitation.

The definition is a bit vague so let’s further refine our definition, and let’s look at the definition of the term Haunt.

Haunt: To inhabit, visit, or appear to in the form of a ghost or other supernatural being.

Now we could clearly see that in the definitions listed above a "Haunting" is a ghost or supernatural being that visits, appears or inhabits a location. These of course are the paranormal definitions of a haunting and a haunt, as we all know a song can haunt you as well as a thought or even an ex-boyfriend or ex-girlfriend so remember that this definition is only for the paranormal field.

We are going to talk about the different classifications of hauntings. There are several different types of classifications of hauntings. These classifications help identify the extent of the activity and even could determine the validity of a claim.

It is important to remember that these are the guidelines that paranormal investigators use while interviewing clients to determine the type of activity that could be anticipated during an investigation. These classifications are the most commonly used by paranormal investigators. These classifications are proving to be pretty definitive when corresponding to collected evidence.


Intelligent Haunting:

An intelligent haunting is a haunting in which the afflicting spirit can and will interact and often communicate with the client and or investigators. This type of haunting occurs sometimes, this is not the most common form of haunting but will be encountered more than most other forms.

Signs of an intelligent haunting:

-Responsive and interactive activity

-Objects being moved or influenced

-Random acts of paranormal activity


Residual Haunting:

This type of haunting is by far the most common form of haunting. However the definition of a residual haunting is noticeably different than an intelligent class haunting.

In this classification there isn't any form of interaction at all. It is believed to be a series of past events played over and over in an endless loop. These events can have a set day and time known as an “Anniversary Imprint". They may be just as random as the previous form but can’t respond or interact. It is believed that the spirit might also have no idea that it is dead and a ghost.

Signs of a Residual Haunting:

Activity only noticed on certain days or times; Spirit is unable to communicate or unresponsive/unable to interact.

Now that we know the definition of a haunt is, and the different classifications of hauntings, let’s take a look at some of the theoretical causes of an alleged haunting. There are many "causes" to hauntings believed by many investigators worldwide. These theories seem to have basis and possibly the truth is that it is simply unknown what truly causes a haunting. It is important to remember that the following few statements are theories only.

Theory One:

This theory is the most widely believed, that the "ghost" has unfinished business with this world and that it has trapped the spirit to this semi-conscious life. This theory while commendable in its assumptions cannot be proved. This is why it is still considered theory. Though this is probably the most accurate of all the theories.

Theory Two:

This theory is that of demons and angels pose as our loved ones to corrupt us or inspire us. They make us feel as if they are our guarding angels or the demons poses us, and make us do things we wouldn’t normally do.

Theory Three:

The spirit of a dearly departed will return to earth as a guardian spirit sent by God. It could be a truly comforting theory, but it doesn't answer the fact that these spirits sometimes will play pranks or interact with you or even cry for help themselves.

Here are some of what we do know that are natural causes that explain over eighty percent of all claims of a haunting:

-Gas Leaks

-High EMF (Electro Magnetic Fields)

-Old Paint


-Drugs, (mind altering narcotics or medication)

-Mental Illness

These are all natural causes that could explain our sudden claims of ghosts. Though this list is not exhaustive and again this is theoretically some natural causes. However these things listed above have been clinically proved to be harmful to your health."

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14 Jan 2012 15:06 #2 by Tresses Of Nephthys
I think a ghost is pretty much stuck where they are unless they can attach themselves to a person or object, then they can move on to another location.

As Kara mentioned, a residual is not a true haunting, more like pressing play on a video from a long time ago.

Abraham Lincoln is interesting for many many reasons:

1: He was a controversial president due to his stance on slavery, involvement in the Emancipation Proclamation and being a wartime president in general.

2: He believed in the paranormal

3: His wife held routine seances in order to try to contact their dead son.

4: He predicted his own death

5: He was executed publicly

6: His body was snatched and held for ransom

I think Lincoln haunts the White House. As far as the Ford Theatre, I think that is an example of a residual memory that people are tapping into. The circumstances surrounding his death were so energized that the imprint of the event of his assassination will always be there.

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14 Jan 2012 05:23 #3 by Peek-A-Boo

Karawashere wrote: That's what I was trying to say. Thank you for clarifying. I'm sick and on meds so it's harder to explain things right now.

you are very welcome :kiss: I hope you're on the mend ASAP
The following user(s) said Thank You: tyrstag

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14 Jan 2012 05:20 #4 by tyrstag
That's what I was trying to say. Thank you for clarifying. I'm sick and on meds so it's harder to explain things right now.

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14 Jan 2012 05:16 #5 by Peek-A-Boo
a residual haunting is a type of energy that has no consciousness, the intelligent haunting does have consciousness.

Residual haunting is not as much of a “haunting” of a spirit as it is a recording of specific energy.

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14 Jan 2012 05:00 #6 by tyrstag
Residual energy that manifests as a spirit is "stuck" so to speak.

However, since I am often followed home, or just have random visitors, I do believe the inteligent spirits are sble to move around and do as they wish.

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14 Jan 2012 01:11 #7 by Peek-A-Boo
I think many return to a place they were the happiest or have unfinished business. Example: Actors returning to a theater even though they died elsewhere.

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14 Jan 2012 01:01 #8 by RXRom
Did I perhaps ask a stupid question? LOL I wanted to know what your therories are on the ghost subject.

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13 Jan 2012 23:07 #9 by RXRom
I was just thinking about something I read. The ghost of Abraham Lincoln can be seen sometimes at the White House. Now I was thinking, Being that he was assasinated at a theatre where he was watching a play, I know his ghost has been seen there too. So My question is this, Are ghosts able to travel from one place to another or are they confined where they may have passed on? Is the place where they are at their purgatory? Like when one completes suicide are they judged to stay there? Just a question that makes you go Hmmm. What do you think?

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