

A Residual Haunting Question

26 Sep 2011 14:28 #1 by Keith

No worries here on that wrench. lol. I am new to all this part of the equation (ghost hunting) and am not even informed enough to have an opinion so I welcome all information at this point. I learn then develop my own conclusion once I feel I have sufficient information to make a conclusion. I believe that will be many years down the road because I know so little now and there are so many questions and so much to learn that I may never come to any conclusions.

Measuring the intelligence of something not fully understood is a tough thing to do. I have witnessed enough on the few hunts I have had the opportunity to go on, I consider myself very lucky to have been invited to those places, for they have brought perspective. A view of that of a believer in that there is something going on and has brought me to realize I need to have more knowledge on a first hand basis.

I will always be grateful to the investigator that allowed me the opportunity to learn more. He is Another of us who looks for answers of that which we know little of.

LOL. I agree with you on your observation of Wal-Mart... If ever you want to feel invisible that is one place to see what it feels like. LOL


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26 Sep 2011 14:11 #2 by Keith

Thanks for the input. Past live regressions. Within a Reverie? I suppose that could happen and may explain some of the events of the past I was to learn of later. Though it does little to explain those to be found out later as was to happen in the future. I’ll consider the advice for regression but have came to the conclusion that the past events I have had was to make me understand the events of the past. Not to relive them in my opinion. Those snips of events are different in that there is no urgency to know why they were shown. Where when the events to come leave me exhausted when done. It is odd to have some of the events that years later I still have no conclusion but I have come to realize that time is different from one realm to another. Our 24 hour day means little to those who see time on a different plane.

Thanks for the tips, someday I will likely do just that if for no other reason to get another perspective. I find the medical field approach to any of this is a slice and dice opportunity and without ever answering a single question they have all the answers. What a waste of time that was. If they can’t cut it out and hold it, it doesn’t exist. That is why so many doctors don’t believe in the Devine, to them they ARE God, choosing who lives and who dies on a regular basis.


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26 Sep 2011 13:45 #3 by Keith

Thanks for the replies. Watching the Reverie unfold as an observer while in the Reverie is a hard concept to get my mind wrapped around too I chalked this up to unknown long ago. I ask myself. Why watch a dream you are in? No answers I've come up with makes sense yet it is what it is. And eventually the purpose of the whole Reverie is made clear. The answers are either found in the past or are answered in the future. I never know which until the memory of the Reverie is revived by an event or triggering of an event past learned of.

The closest I have ever come to a direct answer was when I was in a horrific car accident at 15 years old. What occurred between the realization of death coming and the time I awoke from the accident. (seconds later) made me realize then that this was no longer just dreams. I saw the accident's results long before the accident happened but i didn't see myself in the accident. After that I began seeing in the second perspective or observing myself within the Reverie. I no longer called these dreams, it was to be or had been reality. I figure if the answers were known ahead of the time I may be able to change the results and I don’t think that I or any human was ever to be allowed to do that. Only God writes the future and decides what that future is. For some reason I get glimpses of what has been or will be but until the events have unfolded I am not allowed to know the connections between the Reverie and reality. Just my guess as to why the time lines are as they are but I continue to question all including the validity of what I know to be so. That is the one gift we all are given, the ability to look for answers to that which we don’t understand.

As a side note:

Sometimes I don’t want to know the reason for the Reverie’s I watch. Sometimes the unknown is welcomed by me and I am in no hurry to know why.


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26 Sep 2011 12:52 #4 by Wes_Forsythe
Just to throw a monkey wrench into the original question...

Not all of us believe in residual hauntings. I personally believe that all hauntings are "intelligent" and any thing that we see or hear that does not ackowledge us (i.e. the soldier still marching the battlefield) is just a manifestation of the haunt of the intelligent spirt.

Using the usual assumptions that ghosts are real and are the spirits (or at least some part of) of the deceased they would probably be used to us not seeing them and feel free to go about their business of re-living whatever moment or event in their past that they feel is important. In other words they may just be ignoring us on occasion. Wal-Mart sales people do it all the time so why can't ghosts?

But just because I do not believe in the residual concept does NOT mean I disbelieve it either. I call myself agnostic on it.

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26 Sep 2011 06:50 #5 by amoonwolfe
sounds like bits and snatches of a past life/past lives-consider a past life regression session, I believe it will help clear things up fpr you

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26 Sep 2011 01:24 #6 by Tresses Of Nephthys
I think I get where you're going. So walk me through the scenario--you're laying in bed, eyes closed, drifting off to sleep and you start to see these scenes from your life. Do you also hear audio?

So to answer your original question, no it's not a haunting. Why are you seeing this, I'm not really sure. But I will tell you I've been trying to exercise my third eye, and even though I get a lot of blips of things, including wolves, a random eye, a scene with a grandmother and her granddaughter sitting at a kitchen table (nothing to do with me), I've never gotten sound to come along with it nor have I received anything cohesive. So bravo.

If you can try to focus while this is happening, it's possible that you may be able to move through the vision, like how sometimes you can steer through a dream if you realize you're having a dream. Keep writing what you see down. Hopefully you can find some clarity.

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25 Sep 2011 02:19 - 25 Sep 2011 11:42 #7 by Keith

Dream like state not asleep not awake (Reverie) and always viewed as an observer as well as a participant.

Third eye. I never looked at it from that perspective. Perhaps as a second and third person. Weird as it may sound it makes complete sense to me after so many years.

The only thing that bothers me is not getting the point at the time of the Reverie. It's like being given a book with the last chapter missing and later without knowing when the last chapter appears with the ending.

I don't question this so much anymore I just want to know if I am alone with these things is all. I have written the Reveries down in the past few years of them so I can recall them as I remembered then. I never have shown them to anyone because I sometimes wonder myself if it is all just a dream. It is of course reality.

Last edit: 25 Sep 2011 11:42 by Keith.

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24 Sep 2011 23:56 #8 by Tresses Of Nephthys
No way, don't be sorry. So, tell me this: are you seeing this with eyes open or with your third eye?

And there's nothing you can say that's too weird for me. "Been happening my whole life" is an understatement for me.

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24 Sep 2011 22:08 #9 by Keith

Believe me, I question myself often.

It’s the Reverie time when I set above and watch what is going on within the time I am there in that frame of mind and thought. It’s almost like I watch myself within a dream state of mind, I clearly see what is going on and I am there as whatever it is going on plays out. Yet it rarely makes sense to me at the time I am watching.

I know eventually a time will come when I look back and say to myself, “Now, it all makes sense.” this has happened often enough to feel certain the event(s) (whatever it is) is forthcoming.

If that makes any sense at all.

Sorry if this is confusing. But I never tried to explain any of this before and words fail me in my feeble attempts here.



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24 Sep 2011 16:37 #10 by Tresses Of Nephthys
I residual is like a finger print, recording the actions and events that take place there. We leave our finger prints everywhere. But it would take someone who could do psychometry to detect the latent energies we leave behind.

Now, in rare cases, so much residual energy gets left in one place that it will start to manifest itself into it's own pseudo being. This is what people might call a non-human entity, a poltergeist or perhaps even a demon if the energy were extremely negative. This energy can be left behind by either the living or the dead. Which technically means, yes, you can haunt yourself, but that would be an incredibly rare thing.

So, while it could be possible you are seeing a residual haunt of yourself, if enough energy and emotion were attached to that moment in your life. There's also the possibility that you were having a vision (did this "haunting" occur once or more than once?). Or that there is a haunting in the house that has been feeding off of whatever latent memories are embedded there and thus sort of playing a movie of your life. Whatever the case, what you've experienced is pretty rare. I appreciate you sharing your story.

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