

I was wondering if anyone could answer my question

22 Jul 2011 01:15 #1 by wiltedrose27
Thank you for your advice :) it's comforting to have support from others especially when it comes to things you don't understand and situations where most people will deny even the existence of the paranormal. I guess I've always known in the back of my mind that it could reappear, I've just always hoped it wouldn't. Right before I moved to FL, my Grandmother and I did play with a Ouija Board. I know that's the worst thing you can do but I was still young and we had just lost my Grandfather. I think the hope that we might be able to contact him was just too strong to resist. The first letter that we got was "K" which is the first letter in the name of that thing that harassed me as a child. Immediately we stopped playing and I haven't touched a board since. I guess I've always imagined that it was still lingering around waiting for me. It's good to know that I can fight back and I won't hesitate to do so. I still don't like saying the name out loud, it makes me feel like I might draw it's attention or give it strength. I heard somewhere not to say the names of demons aloud also, so maybe that's why it's stuck in my mind. Thank you for your help :)

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21 Jul 2011 23:58 #2 by Tresses Of Nephthys
Spirit guides and other spirits are different from what we experience as ghosts or hauntings. Spirit guides are highly evolved souls and often haven't been incarnated on the earth plane for several hundred years. We are all born with 1 main guide and several other minor guides that do not necessarily belong to us, but act more like muses. Our main guides are always with us and it is their duties to make sure that we fulfill all the things we were meant to do in this life, making sure we are in the right place at the right time when it comes to meeting important people, and making sure that certain events happen to us.

What you experienced as a child was an attachment. From what you say, this ghost was very strong if you could see her as well as you could. The person that told you to cut her off was wrong: there is a certain amount of finesse and tact that must be used to dissolve an attachment. Unfortunately that is something you learned the hard way.

So to answer your question, yes, she could come back. But she also could have come back while you were in FL, and didn't seem to. Do I think she is coming back? Not very likely, I think. My recommendation: don't allow it. You are not helpless. Smudge the house with white sage (you can order it on Amazon, seriously!) and rid the house of her residual energy. Its a precautionary measure but I think it will help you. Good luck.

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21 Jul 2011 23:37 #3 by wiltedrose27
I've never received any help or guidance with this. I've always wondered about it and I was just hoping someone here has had experience with the same type of situation or could give me some advice. This is the first time I've actually asked for help. I think the worry that my niece may go through the same experience is what really pushed me to seek some help and understanding on this subject. Now that you mention it I'm almost positive that whatever this spirit was, was something a lot more vicious pretending to be something good. I've read enough books and seen enough documentaries to know that things like that can come back and find you, or even follow you from place to place. I'm an adult now and even just the thought of this thing showing up again would terrify me. I don't want it back in my life or around my family.

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21 Jul 2011 22:26 #4 by mystics_light
When you got help from a paranormal team. Did they mention if it was a demon pretending to be a kid? Only you would know the energy is so different than just a mean spirited ghost.

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21 Jul 2011 22:21 #5 by mystics_light
Well with that being said. This is what ive learned an it is true what she taught me but ive had way more things happen to. I was told by a rescue medium i am one myself. Including other things. But as she said we have our spirit guides everyone does. They also help protect us to from things lke this. Thats why it is important we contact with our spirit guide. The only way ive seen mine or my sons is when i was dreaming one night i hear them telepathically. Everything i hear is telepathically sometimes in person ive seen lots of different things sense when there around ect. So im use to being lke this idk if anyone else does. I sense the energy told there stories somtimes when i dream ive even encountered what i read the other day is called thunder bird if im correct. He does give messages and very powerful! But what i do is i imagine a white transparent bubble around me with no holes it cant leak for protection. I ask for my spirit guide and my sons to be around to protect us. Also ask for them to speak to your spirit guide directly for your spirit guide to give you the message. For more protection. As far as what to say idk that one yet. Ill look for it again what she sent me. Never challange anything learned this way to many times. But know that we have to power with our guides for protection and all. Do not fed them fear thatgives them energy. I learned fear and anger and sadnss does. Lauhter aso is another great thing! :) But i am no expert. But can help sometimes. To the best of what i know or feel being guided. Hope some of this has helped you some! :)

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21 Jul 2011 22:07 #6 by wiltedrose27
Thank you :) I appreciate it. I guess I also should have included that at the time all of these events were happening I was living in MD. After everything cooled down and I didn't hear from my "friend" anymore we moved away to FL for about 6 years. Recently, I moved back to MD, into the same house where all of this was occurring. I feel like my connection to my "friend" was cut off entirely but now that I'm back in what used to be it's territory I'm wondering if it can pick up on my energy again or find me in some way which would ultimately result in direct contact with my niece. I still remember it's name and what I perceived it to look like, I'm just hoping it doesn't remember me as clearly.

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21 Jul 2011 21:56 #7 by mystics_light
Wow well the little i learned big difference from spirit guides and ghost spirits ect. That would not be no spirit guide of course you learned that. As far as the other questions well ghost and all are around at any time anywhere anyone. But if you asked this listen to what you feel i would suggest get some help with this. I aways tell everyone if you worry about something got that hunch listen to it. Kids are the closest to the other side from just coming from it. We lose sometimes our abilites with how were taught and all. But im sure someone can help you. :) And you will get that help you need. I just dont want to say much cause im no expert. But i do help my friends and all. Spirit guides wont hurt you they know your path of life an help you stay on track there your best friend from the other side. So they know our blue prints. Yall are in my prayers.

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21 Jul 2011 21:43 #8 by wiltedrose27
As a child I was very open to the paranormal. I've heard of "spirit guides" and "invisible friends" and as a child I had one only she looked as real to me as any living person. From what my family tells me we were very close, she would tell me stories, play with me and simply be my friend. One day however she asked if I could come with her, thinking it would just be a day visit, I asked my mom. Well, my mom had been concerned for a while and had communicated with someone in the paranormal field who advised her NOT to let me go. I was told I had to cut ties with my "friend" and couldn't play with her anymore. After that things began turning more violent. I would be pinched by thin air, which left big bruises in the shape of fingerprints on the back of my legs and neck, solid objects would go flying without me touching them and I quickly became terrified. Sometime after that my "friend" left me permanently. Just recently my sister gave birth to a child who seems to possess the same "openness" that I did as a small child. I was simply wondering if there's a way for my old "friend" to track me, find me again or maybe attach itself to my young niece. I don't want that spirit anywhere near her. Please let me know what you think. Thanks.

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