

Discrediting the Paranormal World

04 Jul 2011 05:21 #1 by Chris1GCPI
UT, I understand what your saying can see your point. CC makes a great point that everyone should stay true to his or her own course and be there own investigator or team for that matter.
We are all somewhat influenced by what we watch on TV, in the movie theater, & the internet.
I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that the overall saturation of paranormal groups is staggering. Is it just another trend for a lot of people out there? Yes. Permit me to use one example.
Orange County Chopper hit the TV airwaves and motorcycle sales jumped through the roof! Then we had Biker-build off and other shows followed. Hell, I even used to have an OCC t-shirt. Everybody and their brother thought they were some hardcore biker. Evidence of this can be found in the motorcycle classifieds around the country. Ex: For sale, 2008 HD Electra-Glide...blah,blah,blah...only 2800 miles.
I forsee in the near future if it hasn't happened already, For sale, slightly used ghost hunting equipment, KII meter, IR cameras, etc. Oh, and gently used TAPS t-shirts too! :lol:
The "true" teams and people will be there to carry the weight in the end. Those of us who have been involved in the paranormal before the TV shows, before the electronic gadgets, and before the internet will prevail. Stay true to the cause, stay true to yourself, and remember why we do what we do in the first place.

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03 Jul 2011 18:54 #2 by Tresses Of Nephthys
I don't mind Zak Bagans as much, with the huge exception of him taunting spirits. I absolutely agree with UT that its incredibly dangerous and a matter of time before he finds himself attacked or something follows him home. But to me at least he has a little compassion for the spirits involved, that's my take anyway. Like my response with the other post, the Ghost Hunters (TAPS) just remind me too much of idiots I went to school with down on the South Coast of MA which borders RI where TAPS is based. Regardless of their agenda, their attitude and the fact that I know where that mentality comes from is a big turn off for me. And YES Most Haunted. I couldn't remember the name. I can't believe in retrospect that I watched that show. So dumb. I live a paranormal reality every day. My hubby actually ordered smudge sticks for me last night so I could do my daughter's room. I could be childhood imagination (she's 4) but being who I am and hearing my daughter tell me there's spot monsters in her room that don't go away when she asks, don't talk and just take her toys and makes them float, I have to listen, even if I'm not sure whether to believe her.

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03 Jul 2011 18:51 #3 by crystalcross

Raevyyn1313 wrote: But step back and look at the broader implications: this means more regular people are becoming interested in it.

Very very true. If not for some of the pioneers of television in the field, we would not be here discussing it. I just hope that the various groups can stay true to their roots, and not be influenced by outside requests to add fluff. I value all the groups, there are so many out there now. And I think diversity is a wonderful thing.
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03 Jul 2011 18:49 #4 by sixsense
I agree with cc, I find myself spending more time in GH helping the people here. Yes helping, not putting on a show for those who happen to enter that night. As a group GH is turning out to be a great Para family that people can count on. Including me.

The Television shows are just that, shows. There're there for entertainment. Mostly to people who are skeptics, or who don't truly understand the paranormal. I do watch them from time to time and find myself saying"yea right".

In time they will fade like any other trend. But we will still be here, expanding our abilities and doing what we can to help others.

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03 Jul 2011 18:33 #5 by Raevyyn1313
After I read this I had to step back and take a moment to collect my thoughts and really analyze how I feel. This is such a sensitive subject that it's really hard for people not to be passionate, but all of us involved in any form of the paranormal have to walk a fine line between suspension of disbelief and critical analysis. While this field requires a certain level of open-mindedness, I've recently found an ever more polarized climate when it comes to technique. I've watched every paranormal show that's come out from the beginning, each offering a different view on how an investigation should be conducted. From the super scientific and critical "Ghost Hunters" to the emotionally impassioned "Ghost Adventures", each offers something different to the field. Does one discredit the other? Is one technique more valid than its peer's? What we have to bear in mind is that the pursuit of truth in the paranormal is a very personal quest. What works for one individual or group may yield nothing for another. Just because you don't personally agree with how someone conducts their work doesn't necessarily invalidate their evidence. Critics will always exist in some form or another; there's no way to convince everyone of the existence of "OTHER". Unless evidence is being blatantly fabricated - which I haven't seen up to this point in these shows - then it comes down to a matter of personal taste. Zak Bagans is an emotional individual who brings a level passion into his investigations that can make some people uncomfortable or dubious. He's theatrical, but that's a style that he's found that works for him. If you don't like it, don't watch.

In the end, it's true that entertainment has been flooded with more and more shows based in the paranormal field recently. But step back and look at the broader implications: this means more regular people are becoming interested in it. Whether for entertainment purposes alone or true curiosity, this allows information to flow freely, disseminating to individuals that may not have previously had access. And it's up to those individuals to choose how to believe.

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03 Jul 2011 15:25 - 03 Jul 2011 17:58 #6 by crystalcross
I would have to agree with you in some part. Although there were no specifics mentioned other than the possession, I certainly agree on that part. And I think I somewhat understand where you're going with this. And I would also tend to agree.

Although the Topic, "Discrediting the Paranormal World" may not directly apply. I think they're not so much after discrediting as they are after ratings, which in itself as you say does devaluate what so many groups are doing.

My first stint with watching Paranormal TV came back before the Ghost Hunters with a group from the UK, I'm sure many of you remember "Most Haunted". And then slowly arose the following until we're now inundated with paranormal TV shows. MH was neat in that you got to see some of the old culture, some of the places rich in history and superstition. BUT, however it was that the short first started by the time I started watching it you could see the trend towards dramatization and almost forcing evidence.

The next show I watched was Ghost Hunters. I really liked them because they, as you say, were not afraid to show it as it was. If there was nothing found, that's how they showed it. They were not afraid to call an orb dust or a bug. They looked for everyday explanations to things before they called it paranormal. I respect that. And as any investigator who has spent countless hours in a dark room only to have nothing happen will tell you, finding something is rare and will not happen every place you go.

You bring up Ryan, yes he was one of my favorite as well. In their first few seasons they called it as it was. Every location was not chock-full-o-ghosts so to speak. Again, I can respect that. Keeping it real.

There's many new shows popping out everywhere, and I do see a trend towards sensationalism even at the Get-Go! And its sad because that makes skeptics more skeptical. It tends to create a false sense of expectation.

But in all honesty since we started this site a few months ago, I find myself watching less and less Paranormal television shows and more and more Paranormal reality. I still watch them with one eye, but the other eye is following whats going on on G&H.

If you're finding evidence in every place you go, then perhaps its time to see if something is attached to you.

As for the topic, "Discrediting the Paranormal World" , my best motto of the day would be...

Discredit the evidence, believe the Paranormal.

If you're investigating, go through your evidence with a critical eye. Find explanations for what you can. And then cherish whats left that you can not explain. Many have told me that I tend to be too critical of evidence, but I would say you have to be. If you're prospecting for gold, and you keep everything that is shines with a slightly yellow tint, you will end up with a pan for of pyrite. But if you really dig through it and look for weight, hardness and consistency... THEN will you end up with the few precious chunks of real gold.

Happy Hunting to all! Don't just watch the shows, BE your own investigator. Reality trumps reality TV.
Last edit: 03 Jul 2011 17:58 by crystalcross. Reason: Excessive Typos

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03 Jul 2011 14:34 #7 by dancingwater
Great post UT, and I completely agree. My feelings about some of the shows that are currently on now is that not only are they disrespectful to the dead but are setting dangerous examples for the living. The paranormal world is nothing to mess with!!!
I do watch Ghost Hunters and Ghost Hunters International because to me they are the most realistic of the current crop. Sometimes something shows up, sometimes it doesnt, thats real life.
My main problem with the TV shows is that most real life paranormal investigations happen because someone really needs help. Thats what it is all about, helping other people, not just documenting the existence of ghosts. I truly think most people know in their heart-of-hearts that there is really a world that we cannot normally see so all this time spent "documenting" is sometimes just a bit of overkill. (NO pun intended)
I say lets go help people who have things happening in their in lives and homes that they cannot explain or deal with. Let's help spirits cross over to the other side. Let's deal with evil as we come across it and let's keep ourselves safe.
Let Hollywood make movies and leave Ghost Hunting to the experts.
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03 Jul 2011 12:28 - 03 Jul 2011 12:52 #8 by undertaker1
Lately i have seen and heard alot of talk about the t.v shows and Zak Bagans. I am not happy with the picture he paints nd the trends he sets along with others.
To provoke something you have no clue of what it is leads to be a very stupid choice. But what alot of people don't understand is this is a hollywood thing to draw you in. Not saying posession or attacks don't happen, because i know first hand they do. But do you really believe someone like Zak is constantly attacked or posessed, not gonna happen and time to see this.
He and alot of others that not only follow him but start teams and do his actions id discrediting not only yourself and team but others in the paranormal world. Evryone is sick of being told they are stupid, people don't believe our abilities,or we are freaks. Do you wonder why that is, look at there view see these drmatized faked shows and people acting like that and can't help but to say i don't blame some of them. Even Ryan Buell (Paranormal State) stated hollywood asked them to do alot of things and the main reason he left the show couldn't tke it anymore.
I'm not asking anyone to not like the shows or not watch them because i do, but understand reality and hollywood drama. Alot of people don't like Ghost Hunters because they debunk and not being attacked, what do you think investigating is, this isn't a joyride where you constantly see and hear things or get attacked by things. I give them a hand for being real and enjoy their show more than anything.
If you are trying to start a team or have started one please don't ruin it by acting like these fake drama queens, because i am personlly sick of people looking down on myself as a team owner and person with abilities. This isn't a joke and if you believe it is and want to be fake get out of the paranormal stuff we don't need anymore help being shunned from everyone.
Last edit: 03 Jul 2011 12:52 by undertaker1.
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