

Does anyone believes in Reincarnation????

08 Jun 2011 21:46 #1 by SheWhoKnits
I fully believe in reincarnation! I had a friend of mine do a "past-life' reading for me and these are the results:

woman living near a river, hard life
a slave captured by a rival tribe and sacrificed as a gift of war. You still are afraid of cold, dark and small places today because you saw yourself buried.

an old man, what they called «a priest of writing»
a minor man priest taking care of oils and resins (you still like it)
a man farmer, hard manual labour life

a warrior man killed during the Ptolemaic Dinasty
a blind priestess taking care of the sacred snakes' food (your vision problems come from there). You had great power during this lifetime.
a minor priestess of Isis' temple, cleaning the outer part of the Temple for offerings

Between this and the next ones, you had several lives as an animal (cat and butterfly more often, sometimes an horse, sometimes an owk, a dolphin once)

A man druid of herbs (Ovate) nearly VIIIth.
A girl shepherd dead in her 20's (XIth).

A wealthy farmer's wife who had 5 female children, all well married. That's why a good marriage is a sign of respect and success for you even today.

A merchant man travelling a lot (near the XIIIth). You still enjoy new and shining things and news.

A singer woman, XVII.
A man poet, XVth.
NOTE: on both cases a public performer against the best opinion of family. Perhaps an old karmic debt of independence vs. approval?

A married woman with 6 children (XIIIth).
A family man leader (X).
An adventurer and not exactly a Viking (XIth).

Some more lives and then:

A woman secretary on the 1920's.
A nurse on the Second World War.

My mind was completely blown. This explains why I am claustrophobic as all get out, and my vision is terrible. It also explains my path in Paganism (I follow the Egyptian tradition) It is simply amazing!

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08 Jun 2011 00:08 - 08 Jun 2011 00:11 #2 by hometwnbrat
i do believe in reincarnation but i don't think coming back as an animal is revenge for a bad life, i do think that ur life ends the same way every time you live it!

maybe payback for being a a bad person in real life is that you become a residual ghost and not an intelligent one!
Last edit: 08 Jun 2011 00:11 by hometwnbrat.

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05 Jun 2011 21:12 #3 by undertaker1
I do believe in it Ghost.There was actually a show on lastnight that involved a 5 yr old boy who was reincarnated from a 1930 movie star. It is a little scary to think of what i may hve been in pst life but sure i was just as bad as i am now lol.

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05 Jun 2011 19:28 #4 by Steve
Hey There Ghostly!
We do believe in reincarnation. We've come along way since leaving the church; particularly in our belief about the after life. When one belief system is proven to not work (our opinion), it is time to move on and learn more.

My wife and I came to believe the way we do after her mother died. My wife wanted to know what happened to her mother and since we no longer listened to what religion said about heaven and hell, we asked for guidance to questions we had. Well, we believe we got them. Check out Victor Zammit's site on the afterlife. It is very informative and eye opening. Victor's a good man who wants to help people.

Another form of guidance came from reading Dr. Michael Newton's book called "Destiny Of Souls"; which talks a lot on what the other poster wrote on the agreements we make on the other side, prior to coming here. He has case study after case study of people who tell him much the same thing about themselves in former lives as well as what he found out to be their soul groups. I highly recommend it.

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05 Jun 2011 18:22 #5 by JazBrie
Errgh.. I just replied, and it went somewhere?!?! Here goes for the second time ;p

Wow.. That is a pretty open question and in shorty my answer is yes, I wholeheartdly believe..

What happens is another story, and I will try to make it as short as possible :-o

I believe that prior to birth everyone has a "life path"(contract) that they have agreed upon~ signed, sealed & delivered :) Including, but not limited to kids~how many~sex, carrer~ what kind~ how many, marriage~ how many etc... Everything and everyone you "Allow" (<-- being the key word) in your life.
If you veer from "the path" there are again, pre-determined consequences (agreed upon birth~in the contract) and how much time you have to do on the "long cut"(sounds odd, putting that into words, but thats what it is, its a longer way to get to where you are suppose to be) opposite of "short cut" :p
Andddddd x2....
About the people in our lives, they are def ones from our past lives.. Have you ever noticed how you feel instant connections with some, and others you just want to turn and run from?!? All you have to do is pay attention to what your body is telling you~ be more aware of you..

So, what you come back as, with and what you will get in this lifetime has been decied before birth.
As for good and bad deeds, thats Karma it all comes back at you ten fold~ in this life time... Remember life is all about learning lessons, the lessons you get from this life, you take to the next, again all about paying attention to what your body is telling you about situations/people etc...

Not sure I answered you directly, but indirectly, I did... That was as short as I could make my beliefs :)

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05 Jun 2011 16:44 #6 by Ghost-Fairy
How many of you DO BELIEVE in reincarnation???? I am Chinese and many of us believes in reincarnation. If you have done good things n deeds in this world, you'll be send to Heaven but if you do the bad thing, you can punished going through the 18 stages of hell. Lastly, you be send to this world and reincarnate not as human being but an animals or bugs or snakes etc.. LOL

I have a niece who lost her mom when she was 4. Her mom, my late sis-in-law, have been visiting her in her dreams every now and then when she could to check on her.

The last dream my niece dreamt of her mother telling her that she was very happy to see her baby daughter has grown to be a beautiful and successful woman and pleased to know she is a grandmama now also. As my SIL's life was suddenly shorten abruptly in this world, she told my niece that she would like to reincarnate into this world again. That was like 2 yrs ago, since then my niece hasn't dream of her mother at all.

My niece just told me that she's 11weeks pregnant now.. We both just wonder if her mom just jump in the gun and fulfill her desire. LOL. If so, we will know if this next baby will be a girl or will it be a boy. It is known that it is not guaranteed that, that when u do reincarnate, you not get the sex you want to be too...

So my dear friends.. let us hear your words.. thank you!~

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