

Why do we interview before an investigation

21 Apr 2012 18:18 #1 by ghostman50
Understanding Why we Interview You

Identifying the Haunt — Why We Interview the Client
As a paranormal investigator it is very important to interview the person, or family that has reported the paranormal experiences they have encountered. This should be done BEFORE you bring your team into a possibly dangerous situation. The homeowner or business owner has a wealth of information they will be more than willing to share with you. Information is power. The more information you have before you enter a reportedly haunted location, the safer your team will be when investigation time comes. As a paranormal investigator, don’t forget you are an investigator. Investigate. Not only the location for ghosts and spirits, but the location’s history. Some questions, and solutions to paranormal problems may come out even before you enter the location. The last thing a paranormal investigator should do is go into any situation blindly. There are different kinds of hauntings, and different reasons, and types of activity that can be described to you beforehand. I couldn’t think of a scarier situation than going into a location, and finding a dangerous entity without being prepared. There are basically four different types of hauntings, and usually the type of haunting you will encounter will come out during the initial interview. So ask questions, find out.

What are the different types of hauntings?

Residual Haunting:

A residual haunting is the most common type of haunting. This type of haunting usually consists of noises, footsteps, voices or screams. It is an imprint of energy that reproduces itself in a certain area. The residual energy may manifest itself at a certain time of day, or night. It will happen if a person is there to witness it, or not. Some of the causes of this energy left behind in an area may be caused by a traumatic event that may have taken place in that area. If when alive, a person spent a significant amount of time doing a particular action in an area, singing, whistling, humming, pacing, smoking ECT… That energy can sometimes imprint itself in that area, and repeat itself from time to time. Sometimes it will repeat itself at a particular time of day or night, such as every other Saturday, at 3am, a scream is heard in a location. This is an example of a residual haunt. There is not any intelligence behind the sound, just an energy that remains. There is no solution or way to stop this type of haunt, and it is in no way harmful to a person, other than it may be an eerie experience.

Intelligent Haunt:

An intelligent haunt is usually identified as a ghost or spirit of a deceased human that remains in a home or area. This ghost or spirit is aware of its surroundings, and the people that are around it. It may be haunting this particular area for several reasons.

These spirits can be harmless or mischievous, depending on the reason that they are haunting a location. They may be haunting a location because it was once their home. They may be there because someone is able to see them, this gives them attention, and may make them want to stay there. They may be attached to an item, and are staying due to some emotional bond with it. They also may be looking for something or someone. There are many reasons they may be there, and they usually would prefer that you would leave instead of them.

These spirits are limited to what they can do. They sometimes can move material items that usually are five pounds or less, they can make noises, hide small items such as keys. A paranormal investigator is somewhat limited as to what they can do to get this type of spirit to leave. It is not demonic, so religious provocation may not work. The good thing about this situation is that sometimes the homeowner may be able to reason with this spirit. They may be able to set some ground rules, and agree to live in harmony with the spirit, or may even be able to convince the spirit to leave. Some spirits just want to get a message to someone, and when this is accomplished, the haunting may end. Another solution sometimes used is a technique called “spirit release” in which someone who has this ability may be able to guide the spirit to the other side.

Poltergeist Haunt:

The word poltergeist means “noisy spirit”, and this type of haunt is well named. A poltergeist haunting is not necessarily a ghost or spirit, but an uncontrollable energy that usually surrounds a teenaged female, a person undergoing large amounts of stress, and in some cases a menopausal woman. The changes in the female’s body, and stress levels of an individual can trigger a type of telekinesis, or poltergeist activity. This energy can cause rappings and scratching noises on walls, floors, and ceilings. It can also cause items like furniture and other small items to move on their own. The unexplained activity usually surrounds one individual, and the activity usually ceases when the person in question is not present. The person unknowingly manipulates the energy around them causing this activity. A poltergeist haunt starts unexpectedly and ends as abruptly as it started.

The demonic haunt:

A demonic haunt is a rare occurrence; unfortunately they are a reality for some. A demonic haunt is usually the easiest to identify what is haunting a place, and usually the hardest to deal with. A demon usually gives off the stench of rotting flesh, or sulfur. There are also large temperature changes, sometimes hotter, and sometimes colder. There have been documented temperature changes of over 50 degrees in less than a second. Demons are very strong, can change into any form they wish, at any time, and are not timid when it comes to making contact with a human. They are known to push, shove, hit, growl, or even scratch to get your attention. A demonic entity can make very large and heavy objects move, shake, or even fly through the air. The demonic entity is inhuman, meaning; it has never walked the earth in human form. They are believed to be fallen angels, and have a pure hatred for any human. Demons have been here before us, and most likely will still be here long after us.

A demon’s main goal is to gain possession over a human beings body, and soul. This can take a short amount of time, or a long time. Time means nothing to a demon. Someone who does not know what he or she is doing should never attempt ridding a person or home of a Demonic entity. This process usually involves a church, and or holy person to conduct an exorcism. NEVER CHALLENGE A DEMONIC ENTITY.

In short, ask as many questions about the history of a location, and what people have experienced there before you go in to investigate yourself. Remember, information is power. All you have to do is ask, it can make your job as a paranormal investigator easier, and defiantly safer.

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