
So you want to be a ghost hunter

03 Apr 2012 14:29 #1 by iburyem
being attacked to me is not scary as well. I think its best you know how to protect your Psyche and your home, more than anything else.

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03 Apr 2012 04:31 #2 by SSPLV
i went into my first investigation with 3 locations as if i had been doing them for years. i never really did any research on the paranormal investigation rules. i have been seeing spirits since i was like 4, and they have always fascinated me and never frightened or scared me. it felt very natural doing ther investigations, and it wasnt until after my third time out, the next day i went out and bought a few books on it. only reason i had is because i was attacked, it didnt deter me from doing it again, but then again after reading i wasnt too far off from doing it right......except i wasnt exactly ready to provoke(if you heard the evil evp i posted a couple weeks ago, you know what i mean). the experiences i have had since a child i think were telling me this was the right thing to do, sometimes i think spirits just want to be heard, as silly as it is....i think a lot of em are lonely and just want to say hi......or try to tell their story...and its up to us to listen closely and open that portal to the past

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03 Apr 2012 04:12 #3 by iburyem
Its also important, to do initial "investigations" with someone who has some experience with investigating, as it is believed some entities can attach them selves and follow people , who were not originally part of the environment of the activity.

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02 Apr 2012 23:44 #4 by ghostman50
Hey There Folks

So you want to ghost hunt... Will you know what you're dealing with if
you're lucky enough to find something?

Did you know there are many different types of ghosts?

I thought that it's important that everyone have a basic idea of
how many types and ways a spirit or entity can manifest, and what
makes them different from each other.


I must warn you this is an in-depth report so you may want to print
it out and find somewhere comfortable to sit and read it.


I'll start here because they are the most common and also the most
common to be mistaken as a paranormal encounter.

An orb is basically a ball of light that appears unexpectedly in a
photo. Normally white or bluish in color, one or more may appear on
an otherwise normal photograph, and are occasionally captured on
videotape as well (in which case they are usually moving, often at
a high rate of speed.)

The human brain creates electricity and when one passes away their
energy still remains. Albert Einstein had at one time shown
scientifically proved that when electricity has been created, it
cannot be destroyed. So where does it go?

Be careful if you decide to tag a spot on a photograph or see
something zipping by on video as an orb, 9 times out of 10 it's
dust or a flying insect, if your outdoors rain and even high
humidity can cause interesting effects when using image capturing


It takes more energy to configure into a full body apparition than
a small ball of light or mist energies.

Easily confused with normal shadows, these dark ghostly apparitions
are often spotted at a distance or in peripheral vision, and are
between two and ten feet long. They are often experienced as a
small darting essence in the corner of the eye, or as a larger and
more menacing humanoid presence.

Interesting enough, light will not pass through them, these type
spirit energies have density and can create a shadow on the ground
or the wall.

Shadows are relatively common and have been cast when orbs and
vortex's are photographed. Shadow People because of their dark
forms are often considered to be evil.

Again TV and movies portray these ghostly apparitions as being bad
and evil. This in truth is a misconception, shadow people are
simply another manifestation of spirit energies.

There are actually three separate types:

Type 1 - Appear as a small dark misty cloud and are almost always
under two feet in length, but can hover or float up to 8 feet high.

Type 2 - Appear as a huge glob of thick cloudy mass. They typically
range from 2 to 8 feet in height.

Type 3- Appear in human form and some may be seen wearing a hat.
They typically appear up to 8 feet in height. Most often spotted in
homes. They have also been reported to have been seen outdoors at a
distance. Birds and cats are especially sensitive to them.


Apparitions are the appearance of a ghost or spirit, usually taking
the form of a visual image of a deceased individual in either real
life or on film. However there are apparitions based on each of the
five senses.

Usually visual, auditory, tactile, or olfactory, very rarely is the
sense of taste involved.

Examples include:

* Visual: The appearance of a person who was commonly associated
with the area in life.

* Auditory: Sounds of walking, voices, doors opening, or battle are
the most common types of auditory apparitions.

* Olfactory: Smells or odors, such as perfume or cigar smoke,
commonly associated with the area or an individual or event.

* Tactile: Feeling a slight wind in a closed-off room, or a slight
tug on a person's clothing with nobody in the immediate vicinity.
A spirit that is in human form and usually visible to the naked
eye; or may appear in a photo originally undetected.

Often this anomaly is dressed in period clothing. Very hard to
capture on film but many have reported seeing this type of ghost.
This is the "Most Featured" ghost in many movies.


A ghost of the present that looks identical to a living person but
behaves differently.

A good example would be if you were standing in front of a mirror
brushing your teeth and turned to pick up your toothbrush, But....The
reflection in the mirror continued looking forward.


The term poltergeist is a German word for noisy ghost. This refers
to a rambunctious behavior of an assumed entity.
Traditionally, poltergeists were thought to be mischievous spirits
who enjoyed frightening people, pulling pranks, and being extremely
interactive with the physical environment.

Unlike traditional hauntings, this phenomenon was temporary,
usually a few days to a few months. The most significant trait is
the fact that it seems to center around one individual, called the

In most cases this individual was an adolescent female. This
eventually led researchers to develop new theories in which
adolescent females going through extreme hormonal changes expend a
great deal of emotional energy.

Because of this it seemed possible that a poltergeist was a
mysterious entity that fed off of this energy. Another theory
believes that poltergeists are not an entity at all.

Through telekinesis it appeared possible that these young women
subconsciously released their pent-up frustrations of energy. Once
the period of hormonal stress and mental tension has passed, the
activity would cease.

1. Is dependent upon the presence of a specific individual or
individuals, often referred to as agent(s).

2. Usually makes the biggest impact on physical objects.

3. Is usually temporary.


A ghost of the future that brings warning of impending events. This
is a friendly ghost and seems to choose it's contacts to deliver
messages of impending danger.


Are ghosts that appear to be conscious and often interactive; can
apply to something other than human.
These are the most intense of infestations, and fortunately, very

Many people have opinions on what this final level of ghosts
are - some people think they are extremely violent individuals,
murderers, psychotics, and just plain evil people.

Strangely enough, they are almost exclusively called forth through
Ouija Boards, séances, and necromancy ceremonies. If someone else
called forth an entity in a home - it can remain dormant for years
- even decades - until circumstances are right for it to manifest.

1. It will wait until it can emerge at its strongest.

2. It feeds on anger, strive, depression, arguments, and general

3. It can make these emotions worse.

4. The more psychologically drained an individual becomes, the
stronger it will become.

5. Are usually humans or animals that have died.

6. Often use the electrical environment to manifest.

7. Can create both subjective and objective experiences.

8. Can come from the past, present or future.

A word to the wise:

Paranormal Investigation and Ouija Boards DO NOT GO TOGETHER.

Ouija Boards are used in programs such as "Most Haunted" but they
have no place in a paranormal investigation as they attract (As you
read above) mean spirited energies often leave you a lot more than
you ever bargain for...Ouija Boards - " Just Don't "

Wrapping this up... there has been a lot written about ghosts,
nothing has been proven beyond a shadow of doubt that ghost are a

Scientists still believe that ghosts and spirits are something that
has been born out of the fear of human.

Who knows, maybe you'll be the one to capture the undisputable,
scientific evidence that proves once and for all that ghosts do
The following user(s) said Thank You: amoonwolfe, iburyem, Peek-A-Boo

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